加工產品種類:減肥貼 | 日加工能力:日產50萬片 | 加工方式:任何方式 |
加工設備:分切機、輔料機 | 適用人群:通用 | 品牌類型:精品國貨 |
tel:13315174128 0311-83506769 趙經理
1)優質足貼系列產品。國內又稱:竹酢貼、木酢貼,國際通稱:FOOT PATCH 或 FOOT PADS/ FOOT PLASTER。幾年的發展使公司成為為全球最專業的足貼代加工企業,我公司為全球近百傢企業其中包括4傢大型跨國集團公司代加工排毒美容足貼,吸脂足貼,降糖足貼,健腎足貼,安眠足貼,托瑪琳足貼,竹酢足貼,減肥足貼,安眠足貼,韓英文版、中英文版、日英文版、金箔版、銀箔版、綠箔版等
2)水晶眼膜、水晶面膜系列產品。國內又稱膠原蛋白眼膜,骨膠原眼膜,仿生膠原眼膜,國際通稱:Collagen Crystal Eye Mask,公司擁有一臺韓國進口變頻調速與機、電、光、氣一體化自動控制技術並嚴格按醫藥行業“GMP”標準生產要求的“全自動密封無菌水晶眼膜機”。該機日產水晶眼膜可達5萬對以上,綜合性能為國內領先,解決瞭行業內用人手進行操作造成細菌污染及生產速度慢等弊端。該機使用瞭先進的電子原件和電路控制設備。PVC吸塑成型、灌裝、熱封膜,成型裁切全部由電腦控制,避免瞭在生產過程中造成的二、三次細菌污染,使產品達到無菌,美觀的效果。
The feet have been considered as the second heart of the human body in
traditional Chinese medicine as over 360 acupuncture point in our body, more than 60 points on the soles with the reflective zones of major internal organs.
Healthcare detox foot patch includes bamboo vinegar essence extracted from
nature bamboo which has strong infiltration and expels toxin functions. When the blood circulates to the soles, the Detox Foot Patch absorbs toxin released from the acupuncture points with lasting efficiency up to 8 hours. Depending on the individual, the detox may require two or three days to two or three weeks or longer in the case of more severe toxicity build-ups. Overall lymphatic detoxes through the
feet can take up to 30 days for the average person. Just only one night of body
detox, there may be significant changes to the smell and color of the patch
(from brownish to grayish black) as it reflects the amount and degrees of toxins
which were drawn from the body. With continuous usage, there should be a visible
reduction in the stain and odor of the patch. Sticking the foot patches during
sleeping time will get better effect, because the sleep enables the body on a
horizontal line, the circulation result is strengthened greatly.
These wonderful patches absorb the harmful toxins and waste products from
the body in a fast and easy manner. Non invasive, it is safe and reliable using this
product without side effect. Continues to use long time until the medical patch color
becomes light which explained the toxin has been eliminated.
Normally Function:
1. Promote metabolism
2. Slim
3. Expulsion of toxin in body
4. Healthy skincare 5. Dissipate fatigue and good sleep 6. Eliminate damp It can
extract toxins from our bodies. This results in improving blood circulation
as well as easing muscle and joint aches and pains. In addition it can promote
better sleep due to it has far infra red and negative ion emissions.
Detox foot patches are used by simply sticking them on to the soles of
feet and leaving for 8 - 10 hours.
It can be seen that it work as the pad changes from a dry yellowish white
powder to damp brownish-grey indicating toxin absorption.
Applicable crowed: Constipation person, senior or weak patients, overweight
person,spirit dispirited person, smoke and get drunk person, long time standing
persons under high work and spiritual pressure.
100% Natural ingredients: -Bamboo vinegar -Wood vinegar -Tourmaline -Chitosan
-Microelement -Vitamin C, E -Orange refined oil.
tel:13315174128 0311-83506769 趙經理
1)優質足貼系列產品。國內又稱:竹酢貼、木酢貼,國際通稱:FOOT PATCH 或 FOOT PADS/ FOOT PLASTER。幾年的發展使公司成為為全球最專業的足貼代加工企業,我公司為全球近百傢企業其中包括4傢大型跨國集團公司代加工排毒美容足貼,吸脂足貼,降糖足貼,健腎足貼,安眠足貼,托瑪琳足貼,竹酢足貼,減肥足貼,安眠足貼,韓英文版、中英文版、日英文版、金箔版、銀箔版、綠箔版等
2)水晶眼膜、水晶面膜系列產品。國內又稱膠原蛋白眼膜,骨膠原眼膜,仿生膠原眼膜,國際通稱:Collagen Crystal Eye Mask,公司擁有一臺韓國進口變頻調速與機、電、光、氣一體化自動控制技術並嚴格按醫藥行業“GMP”標準生產要求的“全自動密封無菌水晶眼膜機”。該機日產水晶眼膜可達5萬對以上,綜合性能為國內領先,解決瞭行業內用人手進行操作造成細菌污染及生產速度慢等弊端。該機使用瞭先進的電子原件和電路控制設備。PVC吸塑成型、灌裝、熱封膜,成型裁切全部由電腦控制,避免瞭在生產過程中造成的二、三次細菌污染,使產品達到無菌,美觀的效果。
The feet have been considered as the second heart of the human body in
traditional Chinese medicine as over 360 acupuncture point in our body, more than 60 points on the soles with the reflective zones of major internal organs.
Healthcare detox foot patch includes bamboo vinegar essence extracted from
nature bamboo which has strong infiltration and expels toxin functions. When the blood circulates to the soles, the Detox Foot Patch absorbs toxin released from the acupuncture points with lasting efficiency up to 8 hours. Depending on the individual, the detox may require two or three days to two or three weeks or longer in the case of more severe toxicity build-ups. Overall lymphatic detoxes through the
feet can take up to 30 days for the average person. Just only one night of body
detox, there may be significant changes to the smell and color of the patch
(from brownish to grayish black) as it reflects the amount and degrees of toxins
which were drawn from the body. With continuous usage, there should be a visible
reduction in the stain and odor of the patch. Sticking the foot patches during
sleeping time will get better effect, because the sleep enables the body on a
horizontal line, the circulation result is strengthened greatly.
These wonderful patches absorb the harmful toxins and waste products from
the body in a fast and easy manner. Non invasive, it is safe and reliable using this
product without side effect. Continues to use long time until the medical patch color
becomes light which explained the toxin has been eliminated.
Normally Function:
1. Promote metabolism
2. Slim
3. Expulsion of toxin in body
4. Healthy skincare 5. Dissipate fatigue and good sleep 6. Eliminate damp It can
extract toxins from our bodies. This results in improving blood circulation
as well as easing muscle and joint aches and pains. In addition it can promote
better sleep due to it has far infra red and negative ion emissions.
Detox foot patches are used by simply sticking them on to the soles of
feet and leaving for 8 - 10 hours.
It can be seen that it work as the pad changes from a dry yellowish white
powder to damp brownish-grey indicating toxin absorption.
Applicable crowed: Constipation person, senior or weak patients, overweight
person,spirit dispirited person, smoke and get drunk person, long time standing
persons under high work and spiritual pressure.
100% Natural ingredients: -Bamboo vinegar -Wood vinegar -Tourmaline -Chitosan
-Microelement -Vitamin C, E -Orange refined oil.
