
  • 活力因子-人參足下排毒貼(足貼/足底排毒貼) 8片裝廠傢批發
    商品代碼: 2925100
    即日起提供日本樂天代購服務-詳見 Rakuten-suki日本樂天代購,謝謝。
    產品類別:足貼/足膜 品牌:排毒貼 功效:排毒貼

    ng style="LINE-HEIGHT: 24px; PADDING-LEFT: 4px; WIDTH: 30px; LETTER-SPACING: 9px; DISPLAY: inline-block; WORD-WRAP: normal; HEIGHT: 24px; COLOR: #fff; VERTICAL-ALIGN: middle; OVERFLOW: hidden">00ng>ng style="LINE-HEIGHT: 24px; PADDING-LEFT: 4px; WIDTH: 30px; LETTER-SPACING: 9px; DISPLAY: inline-block; WORD-WRAP: normal; HEIGHT: 24px; COLOR: #fff; VERTICAL-ALIGN: middle; OVERFLOW: hidden">23ng>ng style="LINE-HEIGHT: 24px; PADDING-LEFT: 4px; WIDTH: 30px; LETTER-SPACING: 9px; DISPLAY: inline-block; WORD-WRAP: normal; HEIGHT: 24px; COLOR: #fff; VERTICAL-ALIGN: middle; OVERFLOW: hidden">02ng>
    原價:nt style="TEXT-DECORATIon: line-through">nt class="itemPrice_1">50nt>nt>元折扣:nt class="itemDiscount_1">9.8nt>折
    nt class="itemDiscountPrice_1">49.00nt>
    原價:nt style="TEXT-DECORATIon: line-through">nt class="itemPrice_2">50nt>nt>元折扣:nt class="itemDiscount_2">11.8nt>折
    nt class="itemDiscountPrice_2">59.00nt>
    原價:nt style="TEXT-DECORATIon: line-through">nt class="itemPrice_3">300nt>nt>元折扣:nt class="itemDiscount_3">8.9nt>折
    nt class="itemDiscountPrice_3">268.00nt>
    原價:nt style="TEXT-DECORATIon: line-through">nt class="itemPrice_4">102nt>nt>元折扣:nt class="itemDiscount_4">9.6nt>折
    nt class="itemDiscountPrice_4">98.00nt>
    原價:nt style="TEXT-DECORATIon: line-through">nt class="itemPrice_5">190nt>nt>元折扣:nt class="itemDiscount_5">9.9nt>折
    nt class="itemDiscountPrice_5">187.90nt>
    原價:nt style="TEXT-DECORATIon: line-through">nt class="itemPrice_6">78nt>nt>元折扣:nt class="itemDiscount_6">8.7nt>折
    nt class="itemDiscountPrice_6">68.00nt>

    ng>nt face="微軟雅黑">活力因子-人參足下排毒貼(足貼),新產品上市nt>ng>

    nt face="微軟雅黑">【主要成分】nt>

    nt face="微軟雅黑">人參  竹醋    木醋     遠紅外粉    電氣石  甲殼素    植物纖維     桔精油   人參   糊精                  nt>

    nt face="微軟雅黑"> nt>

    nt face="微軟雅黑">【保健功效】nt>

    nt face="微軟雅黑">1)人參足貼有補氣補血的功效,是一種高科技的體外排毒用品,它以強力的功能疏通經絡,繼而以超強的攝取能力將體內的毒素吸取出來。精神壓力引起的睡眠欠佳有特效。nt>

    nt face="微軟雅黑"> nt>

    nt face="微軟雅黑">2)適用於風濕寒痹、氣虛疲勞、關節酸軟、肌肉勞損;腳臭,腳汗;血液循環欠佳引起的手腳冰冷、女子周期不順等。有助於排除體內代謝物。nt>

    nt face="微軟雅黑"> nt>

    nt face="微軟雅黑">【註意事項】nt>

    nt face="微軟雅黑">1、隻供外用,嬰兒,皮膚過敏、傷口、濕疹、斑疹勿用。nt>

    nt face="微軟雅黑">2、開封後請盡快使用,勿放兒童易觸摸的地方。nt>

    nt face="微軟雅黑">3.使用初期,粉包會變黑褐色,出現油狀物質為體內多餘油脂,屬正常現象。nt>

    nt face="微軟雅黑">4.因每個人身體狀況不同,貼袋使用後的黑顏色有所不同,排毒反應及進度因人而異。nt>

    nt face="微軟雅黑">5、本品是體外排毒機理,安全無副作用,女性經期可放心使用。nt>

    nt face="微軟雅黑">【用法用量】nt>

    nt face="微軟雅黑">1、使用前將貼敷足部的皮膚潔凈;nt>

    nt face="微軟雅黑">2、將足貼粉包印字一麵粘合在透氣膠貼中央;nt>

    nt face="微軟雅黑">3、再將已粘著膠貼的粉包(微孔、無字麵)緊貼於肌膚上;nt>

    nt face="微軟雅黑">4、貼敷8-10小時後,將吸附瞭毒素的足貼揭去,然後用濕毛()巾擦凈即可。nt>

    nt face="微軟雅黑">5、每天使用一次,連續使用效果更佳。nt>

    nt face="微軟雅黑">Name:  Bamboo Vinegar Plasters with Gingernt>

    nt face="微軟雅黑">Specification:  8 plasters/boxnt>

    ng>nt face="微軟雅黑">Description:nt>ng>
    nt face="微軟雅黑">Description: Exper harmful dampness Relieve pain and reduce swelling Cleanse the blood Improve the activty of heart Promote healthy blood circulation Enhance body immune system Dissipate fatigue Feel more energetic Improve the quality of sleep Special ingredients Ingredients with ginger As "ginger extract" is added, eliminate cold, the plaslers can work more effectively.nt>

    nt face="微軟雅黑">ng>Particularize:ng>
    ng>nt face="微軟雅黑">Detoxification Theorynt>ng>

    nt face="微軟雅黑">Toxic accummulation can lead to disease, When the waste products in our body reaches an excessive level, they can cause fatigue, restlessness or other health problems.

    We are constantly bombarded by pollutants from our surrounding environment and toxins in our food and drink. If not eliminated, they become toxic waste that accumu lates in our bodies and contributes to all kinds of diseases and chronic tiredness. Accumulated toxic waste tend to bog down all body systems so that it makes the organs, joints and tissues of body become prone to inflammation. As bacteria begins to thrive, disease come into being. In order to stay healthy and vigor, and to keep away from many kinds of degenerative disease, we should regularly cleanse our bodies of accumulated toxins.

    The soles of feet are the second heart of body and they are reflexive zones of the body's internal organ the system.

    ng>nt face="微軟雅黑">Use instructionnt>ng>

    nt face="微軟雅黑">1. Place the plaster on the painful area directly, such as foot, neck, shoulder, elbow, waist and knee.nt>

    nt face="微軟雅黑"> nt>

    nt face="微軟雅黑"> nt>

    nt face="微軟雅黑">2. Place the plaster on the painful area together with sole reflection area, it will be more effective.nt>

    nt face="微軟雅黑"> nt>

    nt face="微軟雅黑"> nt>

    nt face="微軟雅黑"> nt>

    nt face="微軟雅黑">nt>

    nt face="微軟雅黑">


    活力因子-人參足下排毒貼(足貼/足底排毒貼) 8片裝廠傢批發_足膜,足霜,足部磨砂_護膚保養品_貨源_批發一路發
    line 線上客服  ID@tsq1489i