濾料類型:果殼 | 適用對象:水 | 用途:水過濾 |
性能:其他 | 類型:高效 | 品牌:豐泰 FongTay |
吸附率:98(%) | 抗壓力:97(kgf) | 密度:2.86(g/cm3) |
孔隙率:37(%) | 磨損率:0.3% | 硬度:6.5 |
化學成分:果殼 | 鹽酸可溶率:0.03%(%) |
果殼濾料化學性質分析檢測項目 測試數據 檢測項目 測試
油去除率 90-95% 反洗強度 25m3/m2.h
懸浮物去除率濾速 95-98% 水沖洗壓力 0.32MPa
濾速 20-25m/h 維護方式 每年補充5-10%
比重 1.5g/cm3 堆密度 0.8g/cm3
4、硬度大,且特殊處理不易腐蝕,不用更換濾料,每年隻補充10%,減省維修費和維修時間,提高利用率。(1) Features
1, with various and porous nature, sewage capacity, high oil and suspended solids removal.
2, a multi-row and different size, form a deep bed filtration, enhanced oil removal capacity and the filtration rate.
3, incompatible with hydrophilic and appropriate proportion of oil, anti-easy to wash, regeneration and strong.
4, hardness, and corrosion of special treatment is not easy, do not replac the filter, add 10% each year, reducing maintenance costs and maintenance time and increase efficiency.
(B) use
1, oily wastewater treatment: to oil and suspended solids.
2, Industrial Oil Industrial Water Treatment: to oil and suspended solids.
3, civilian water and industrial water treatment: removal of suspended solids in water, improve water quality.Before After analysis of particle size after treatment
Suspended content 50Mg / L ≤ 5Mg / L
Oil content 100Mg / L ≤ 10Mg / L
3、民用水和工業用水處理:去除水中懸浮固體,提高水質。分析結果 處理前 處理後 處理後粒徑
懸浮含量 50Mg/L ≤5Mg/L
油含量 100Mg/L ≤10Mg/L(1) Features
1, with various and porous nature, sewage capacity, high oil and suspended solids removal.
2, a multi-row and different size, form a deep bed filtration, enhanced oil removal capacity and the filtration rate.
3, incompatible with hydrophilic and appropriate proportion of oil, anti-easy to wash, regeneration and strong.
4, hardness, and corrosion of special treatment is not easy, do not replac the filter, add 10% each year, reducing maintenance costs and maintenance time and increase efficiency.
(B) use
1, oily wastewater treatment: to oil and suspended solids.
2, Industrial Oil Industrial Water Treatment: to oil and suspended solids.
3, civilian water and industrial water treatment: removal of suspended solids in water, improve water quality.Before After analysis of particle size after treatment
Suspended content 50Mg / L ≤ 5Mg / L
Oil content 100Mg / L ≤ 10Mg / L