濾料類型:果殼 | 適用對象:水 | 用途:水過濾 |
性能:耐酸,耐堿,耐高溫,耐低溫,防水,防靜電 | 類型:高效 | 品牌:綠洋牌 |
吸附率:27-50(%) | 抗壓力:23.4(kgf) | 密度:1.25(g/cm3) |
孔隙率:77(%) | 磨損率:5 | 硬度:3 |
化學成分:鈣/鎂/銅/鐵/鈉/錳/鉀/鋅 | 鹽酸可溶率:1.28(%) |
適用對象 | 水 | ||
用途 | 油水分離 | 性能 | 耐酸、耐堿、耐高溫、耐低溫 |
類型 | 高效 | ||
吸附率 | 100(%) | 抗壓力 | 強(kgf) |
密度 | 1.5(g/cm3) | 孔隙率 | 90(%) |
磨損率 | 3% | 硬度 | 5 |
化學成分 | 無 | 鹽酸可溶率 | 3(%) |
核桃殼濾料采用優質山核桃殼為原料,經過破碎、拋光、蒸洗、藥物防腐處理,兩次篩選加工而成。此濾料堅韌、耐磨、抗壓(抗壓力為23.4kgf),化學性能穩定,吸附截污性強(吸附率為27-50%),抗油浸,易反洗再生,反沖洗強度低(6.7L/Sm2),濾速快(24-26m/h),不板結,不腐爛,永不更換,每年隻需補充5-10%即可。油去除率達95%,含油降至5mg/g以下。適用於油田、節油環保設備等方麵。![]() |
Nut shell activated carbon
Nut shell activated carbon with silver uses high strength nut shell as raw material, is produced by special Agcarrying technique, and is widely used in
purification equipment of water purifier, mineral spring pot, water purification machine and etc. its effect of purify water is better than ordinary water
purification carbon. The activated carbon containing silver can accord to the budged effect of silver ions to sterilize and depress bacteria, and also can remove
peculiar smell, odor, and small amounts of harmful material in water, after purifying the water can drink directly.
Name | Indicator |
Iodine absorption(mg/g) | 800-1100 |
Absorption of methylene blue(mg/g) | 120-170 |
Absorption of carbon tetrachloride(mg/g) | 450-500 |
Absorption of benzene(mg/g) | 200-300 |
Specific surface area(m²/g) | 750-850 |
