加工定制:是 | 品牌:冠測 | 穩定度:10 |
產品類型:全新 | 適用領域:農業 | 實驗類型:農藥殘留檢測 |
外型尺寸:100(mm) | 型號:G82211 |
Portable measuring instrument of pesticide residue is according to the national standard method (GB/T5009.199-2003) method of measuring the card (paper) specially designed instrument. Is mainly used for fruit, vegetables, tea, food, water and soil in the rapid detection of organophosphate and carbamate pesticide, especially suitable for rapid detection of agricultural product quality testing station, fruit and vegetable production bases and profession of picking the fields before detection, a farmers' market wholesale site inspection, restaurants, canteens, family tea fruit and vegetable processing before safety testing.

便攜式農藥殘留速測機 型號:G82211
For: G82211 portable measuring instrument of pesticide residue
Portable measuring instrument of pesticide residue is according to the national standard method (GB/T5009.199-2003) method of measuring the card (paper) specially designed instrument. Is mainly used for fruit, vegetables, tea, food, water and soil in the rapid detection of organophosphate and carbamate pesticide, especially suitable for rapid detection of agricultural product quality testing station, fruit and vegetable production bases and profession of picking the fields before detection, a farmers' market wholesale site inspection, restaurants, canteens, family tea fruit and vegetable processing before safety testing.
one, the principle of portable measuring instrument of pesticide residue detection
Instrument detection principle is the use of measuring the card of cholinesterase (white tablets) catalytic indophenol acetate (red pill) hydrolysis of acetic acid with indophenol, organophosphate and carbamate pesticides because of cholinesterase activity has a strong inhibitory effect, make the catalytic hydrolysis of color change. Depending on the color, therefore, be determined in a sample of organophosphate and carbamate pesticides residues.
Second, the portable measuring instrument of pesticide residue additional instructions
A、本方法是生物化學反應,應盡可能避免一些物理和化學因素對酶活性的影響。 B、反應最適酸堿度為PH7.5左右,檢樣偏酸或偏堿時應改用磷酸緩沖液浸提處理。 C、反應中,藥片表麵應保持濕潤,最好將每一批樣品處理好後統一加樣,以免時間過長蒸發乾。 D、蔥、蒜、蘿卜、芹菜、香菜、茭白、蘑菇及番茄汁液中,含有對酶活性有影響的植物次生物質,容易產生假陽性。處理這類樣品時,不宜剪切過碎,浸提時間不宜過長,以免液體過多釋放影響檢測結果。必要時可采取整株(體)蔬菜浸提的方法進行測定。 E、農藥速測卡在常溫條件下有效期為壹年,貯存時要求放在陰涼、乾燥和避光處,有條件者放於4℃冰箱中最佳。農藥速測卡開封後最好在三天內用完,如一次用不完可存放在乾燥器中。
A, this method is A biochemical reaction, should try to avoid the influence of some physical and chemical factors on the enzyme activity. B, the optimum ph is about PH7.5, the test samples when partial acid or alkali, should use phosphate buffer extraction processing. C, the reaction, tablet surface should be moist, it is best to each batch sample to handle the add, lest time is too long to evaporate. D, onion, garlic, carrot, celery, parsley, water bamboo, mushrooms, and tomato juice, contains affect enzyme activity of plant secondary substances, prone to false positives. When handling this kind of sample, unfavorable shear broken, leaching time shoulds not be too long, in order to avoid too much liquid release affect test results. When necessary to take the whole plant (body) vegetables extraction method were determined. E, pesticide measuring the card is valid for one year, under the condition of the storage when asked in a cool, dry and dark place, the best conditions in 4 ℃ refrigerator. Pesticide measuring the card best finished in three days after opening, such as to burn can be stored in a dryer.
Three, portable measuring instrument of pesticide residue the minimum detection limit
農藥速測卡對幾種常用農藥的最低檢測限(單位mg/kg如下: 甲胺磷 1.7 馬拉硫磷 2.0 水胺硫磷 3.1 對硫磷 1.7 久效磷 2.5 乙酰甲胺磷 3.5 敵敵畏 0.3 樂果 1.3 敵百蟲 0.3 呋喃丹 0.5 西維因 2.5 好年冬 1.0
Pesticide measuring the card to the limits of detection concentration (LDC) of several common pesticides (mg/kg is as follows: methamidophos marla sulphur phosphorous isocarbophos 3.1 2.0 1.7 1.7 monocrotophos parathion acephate dichlorvos dimethoate between 0.3 1.3 0.3 3.5 2.5 carbofuran carbaryl good year winter 1.0 2.5 0.5
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Four speed measuring instrument, portable pesticide residues main performance parameters and specifications
測量通道數 恒溫溫度 反應時間 顯色時間12個 40℃ 10分鐘 3分鐘可選范圍 30~50℃ 1~99分鐘 1~99分鐘電源適配器 輸入100~240VAC 50/60Hz 0.8A 輸出12VDC 2.5A
Channel number constant temperature 40 ℃ temperature chromogenic reaction time time 12 3 minutes to 10 minutes optional scope of 30 ~ 50 ℃ 1 ~ 99 minutes 1 ~ 99 minutes of 100 ~ 240 vac power adapter input 50/60 hz 12 VDC 2.5 A 0.8 A output
內置充電鋰電池7.4V/1400mAh,工作時間約3小時, 充放電約500次以上。
Built-in rechargeable lithium battery 7.4 V / 1400 mah, working time is about 3 hours, charging and discharging of about 500 times more.
