類型:塑料破碎機 | 品牌:臺彰 | 型號:TZGF-115~1120 |
應用領域:塑料破碎機,膠頭破碎機,料頭破碎機,薄膜破碎機,硬膠塊破碎機 | 給料粒度:6~30(mm) | 出料粒度:8(mm) |
生產能力:350~4500(kg/h) | 耗電:1(kw) | 重量:650~5000(kg) |
電動機功率:11 | 粉碎程度:按要求定做 | 驅動方式:塑料破碎機 |
最大進料邊長:80 | 作用對象:塑料 | 是否提供加工定制:是 |
東莞市臺彰機械有限公司 東莞市臺熙機械設備有限公司
鄧先生 18038303171 QQ2908331956
公司網址:http://www.taizjx.com http://www.dgtaixi.com
誠信通商鋪 http://tzhangjx.cn.alibaba.com/
塑料破碎機,塑料粉碎機,塑料打料機,塑料碎料機價格產品圖片和價格屬性等僅供參考,具體來電咨詢歡迎新老客戶來電詳談 感謝您瀏覽本公司的網站!
誠信通商鋪 http://tzhangjx.cn.alibaba.com/ http://tangchunjiao85.cn.alibaba.com
Both front and rear sound are anti-sound design, and with minimal noise.
Designed to streamline, occupies less, easy maintenance.
Door-type isolation design, easy to clean and change the screen.
Motor is equipped with over load protection and power supply protection to protect motors, tools, staff.
Manufacturing processes is mature, the machine body, turret and other parts are of the overall processing, to ensure that the fitting accuracy.
There are special shredder to scrush plastic pad, film for selection, to be better dapted.