加工定制:否 | 品牌:delixi/德力西 | 型號:CDPZ30-4回路(明裝 標準型) 配電照明箱 |
額定電流:100(A) | 短路關合電流:4.5(KA) | 殼體防護等級:IP30 |
產品認證:CCC | 外殼材質:冷軋鋼板 | |
ng>nt color="#800000" size="4" style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff00">所有產品的標價均為不含稅參考價格,實際具體型號和成交價格請與客服人員聯系nt>ng>
ng>nt color="#800000" size="4" style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff00">022—27470149 18602277111nt>ng>
ng>nt size="3">服務承諾:nt>ng>
ng>nt size="3">1 本公司為德力西集團天津總代理商nt>ng>
ng>nt size="3">2 產品售出後出現質量問題的,3個月包換,1年保修nt>ng>
ng>nt size="3">3 周邊地區(郊,縣),達到一定額度,可以提供送貨上門服務nt>ng>
ng>nt size="3">4 隨時提供技術支持服務,需要產品圖本或說明等,請留言,第一時間給您回復,也可電話咨詢022-27470149 nt>ng>
ng>nt size="5">德力西CDPZ30-4回路(明裝 標準型) 配電照明箱nt>ng>
ng>nt size="5">CDPZ30-4回路 (明裝 標準型) 配電照明箱技術參數nt>ng>
nt size="1">產品描述 | 終端組合電器配電箱,安裝適用於民用住宅、工礦企業等 |
符合標準 | GB 7251.3-2006/GB 17466-1998 |
產品特點 | 整體鋼塑結構,底箱、麵板采用ST12冷軋鋼板,堅固耐用 |
塑料小門采用阻燃材料,防明火 |
暗裝箱,導軌深度可調,方便元器件安裝 |
箱體防護等級為IP30,能承受的最大額定工作電流為100A |
安裝方式 | 規格 |
明裝 | 4/6/8/10/12/15/18/20/24/30/36/45 |
暗裝 |
ng>nt size="5">CDPZ30-4回路 (明裝 標準型) 配電照明箱照片nt>ng>
nt size="5"> nt>nt size="5">(詳情請咨詢本公司電話022-27470149)nt>
ng>nt size="5">公司簡介nt>ng>
nt face="宋體" size="4"> nt size="3">郎盾電氣(天津)有限公司前身是天津市德力西商貿有限公司,成立於nt>nt>nt size="3">2004年,是德力西電氣在天津地區的旗艦店,以產品規格齊全、價格定位合理、配送及時、服務到位而著稱業內。經營范圍:涵蓋德力西旗下高、中、低壓電器,變頻器、防爆電器、氣動元件、電線電纜、建築電器、母線槽、電纜橋架及成套電器設備等所有機電產品。nt>
nt size="3"> nt>nt size="3">公司不僅擁有精乾、高效、務實的銷售隊伍,而且技術力量雄厚,工程師及技術人員業務精湛、經驗豐富,能提供各種節能及自動控制系統的設計、安裝直至現場調試等全套服務,可滿足客戶對產品的全方位需求。歷經多年拼搏,在全體員工的共同努力下,公司逐步發展壯大,先後與眾多知名企業建立瞭良好的合作夥伴關系。憑借驕人業績,公司總經理已連續六年蟬聯集團公司“全國金牌經銷商”稱號。nt>nt size="3">
nt size="5">nt>
nt size="5">nt size="4">Tianjin Langdun electric Co.,Ltd was Tianjin Delixi Commercial Trade Co.,Ltd previously. It was founded in 2004.As the Delixi stevevivian in Tianjin district, the company is popular for complete product specification , reasonable price, in time delivery and cordial service in the industry. Our business scope covers all mechanical and electrical products ,including Delixi high, medium and low voltage electrical appliances, frequency converter, explosion proof electric appliance, pneumatic element, wire, cable, building electronics, busway, cable bridge, complete sets of electrical equipment and so on. Our company not only have a capable, efficient and pragmatic sales team, but also have strong technical power with professional, experienced engineers and technicians. We can provide full service, such as all kinds of energy saving , automatic control system design, installation and on-site debugging, which can meet customers’ full demands of products. Through years of struggle, under the joint effort of all staffs , our company are growing strongly gradually, successively establishing good cooperative partnership with many well-known enterprises. With impressive performance, the general manager has been reelected the group company “national gold dealer” for six consecutive yearsnt>nt>nt size="3">ng>.ng>nt>
ng>nt size="4"> nt>ng>
ng>nt size="4"> 公司形象 實體拍攝 nt>ng>