加工定制:否 | 品牌:利俊 | 型號:LJ-EH |
殺菌設備類型:其他 | 適用范圍:茶餐廳設備,蛋糕房設備,麵包房設備,中餐店設備,西餐店設備,酒廠設備 | 營銷:特價 |
With the rapid of living speed of the people.Consumers need to taste more good and health, freshness and convient foods than before;As the development of technology.A new things which keep cooked fresh at ordinary temperatures and needn’t any additives is available.It needn’t low temperatures refrigeration.This technology will be able to maintain the cooked original taste and freshness for 90~180 days.And bacteria will be controled at extremely low levels.Undergone national hygiene tests and has met the required standards.This technology can be widely used in retain cooked freshness,Such as: rice,pasta,cake,meat and seafood etc. More health and safety and convenient.
