加工定制:是 | 品牌:凈康樂 | 型號:6000 |
殺菌設備類型:掛壁式 | 適用范圍:茶餐廳設備,蛋糕房設備,麵包房設備,咖啡店設備,飲品店設備,中餐店設備,西餐店設備,酒廠設備,調料加工廠設備,果蔬加工廠設備,冷凍食品廠設備,肉制品加工廠設備,休閒食品廠設備 | 營銷:特價 |
規格:233*150*377MM | 安裝方式:掛壁式 | 材質:ABS,不銹鋼 |
ng> ng>
ng>生產廠傢 批發供應 GMP認證自動感應噴霧6000型 全自動殺菌凈手器ng>
ng>批發價格為不帶接水盤,帶接水盤價格詳情請點擊:帶接水盤 鏈接:http://detail.1688.com/offer/1184260558.htmlng>
ng style="color: #ff0000; font-size: 14pt;">適用對象:Qipta spraung>
ng style="font-size: 14pt;">醫院臨床科室Hospital、餐廳廚房Dining room and kitchen、銀行和出納員Bank and cashier、機關團體Institution&associations、機場車站Airport and station、購物場所Shopping place、酒店Hotel、食品和藥品車間Food and drugs workshop、學校University and school、幼兒園Preschoolng>
ng style="font-size: 14pt;">1.ng>ng style="font-size: 14pt;">本機與潔凈門控可連接ng>
ng style="font-size: 14pt;">2.ng>ng style="font-size: 14pt;">每使用一周可以對容器進行清洗ng>
ng style="font-size: 14pt;">3.ng>ng style="font-size: 14pt;">本容器采用食品級ng>ng style="font-size: 14pt;">PEng>ng style="font-size: 14pt;">材料制造,可通過高溫或微波進行滅菌ng>
ng style="font-size: 14pt;">1.Connection between sterilizer and cleansing gate.ng>
ng style="font-size: 14pt;">2.The disinfectant vessel should be cleaned and sterilized every week. ng>
ng style="font-size: 14pt;">3.The disinfectant vessel is made from a kind of advanced PE material,and can be sterilizeder hign temperature or in the microwave oven.ng>
ng style="font-size: 14pt; text-align: center;">技術參數:ng>
ng>電源電壓ng> | ng>AC220-240V±10%ng> ng>50/60HZng> | ng> 功率ng> | ng> ≤20Wng> |
ng>安全類型ng> | ng>II類ng> | ng> 工作方式ng> | ng> 間斷工作ng> |
ng>環境溫度ng> | ng> 5°-40℃ng> | ng> 環境濕度ng> | ng> ≤80%ng> |
ng>感應距離ng> | ng> 8-12CMng> | ng> 最大容量ng> | ng> 1500MLng> |
ng>凈重/毛重ng> | ng> 2.5KG/3KGng> | ng> 尺寸ng> | ng> 233*150*377MMng> |
溫州中晨潔具有限公司是專業生產 廠傢直銷 批發供應 食品廠專用 藥廠專用 醫院專用 QS認證 GMP認證,HACCP認證好幫手 全自動感應噴霧式 手消毒器 酒精消毒器 免接觸手消毒器 酒精噴霧手部消毒器 紅外感應手消毒器 感應手消毒器 手指消毒器 6000型 ZC-6000型殺菌凈手器 全自動殺菌凈手器 酒精噴霧紅外感應殺菌凈手器
ng> 溫州中晨潔具有限公司是一傢專業生產紅外線自動感應設備的企業。產品包括:感應乾手器、美發乾膚器、手消毒器、自動感應水龍頭、感應洗手器、感應大便器/小便器等產品均采用微電腦智能化控制,微功耗設計,模塊化結構。吸引國內外先進技術,使生產的新一代智能化衛浴潔具成為中西方文化交融的完美產物。我廠生產的自動感應系列產品在國內倍受廣大建築開發商和建築材料銷售商的認可,在全國有完善的銷售和服務網絡。同時積極參與國際競爭,產品已遠銷英、美、法、韓、南非、中東等三十個國傢和地區。廣泛適用於醫院、賓館、工礦企業等公共場所及私人寓所,充分體現“衛生、節水、方便”的特點。
ng> 中晨潔具采用一流的技術和標準質量體系下的生產管理,以確保上乘的產品質量。同時公司以多年的品質保證,為廣大經銷商和老客戶提供瞭充分而有力的信心保證。ng>
ng> Wenzhou Zhongchen Sanitary Ware Co;Ltd--is a self-designed, professional manufacture of induction procucts as production-oriented enterprises,it is one of the most powerful manufacturers in China.the products are exported to Europe and the United States,South Korea,Japan,South America and other countries and regions,widely used in offices,hotels,hospitals,restaurants,entertainment places and private apartments,Especially building developers widely purchased.ng>
ng> Zhongchen sanitary ware using the-art technology and standards for quality system under the production management to ensure superior product quality. At the same time the company many years of quality assurance for the majority of dealers and old customers with a full and effective assurance.ng>
ng>聯系人:洪經理 15258056697 QQ:1020429316 (驗證問題請輸入:咨詢產品)ng>