The machine applies to all kinds of furniture, solid wood doors, cabinets, arts and crafts, decorative panels, glass plate workpiece, the workpiece in the machine processing, surface coating and full, good smoothness. Especially for PU, UV, PE, NC, fluorocarbon paint, lacquer, coating liquid stucco, continuous automatic spray paint. The spray gun support two-way two groups, preset 2+2 gun system, for each point of the workpiece can be effective for spraying, and equipped with a piston pump oil supply system. Spraying driving device adopts Japanese servo motor for precise driving, ensure that the spray accuracy. Design of tubing loop, ensure the constant pressure spray paint flow, the pressure regulating valve control. Intake double-layer filtering device ensure clean air into the exhaust pipe, filtering device will guarantee spraying the paint mist filtering. The inlet configuration an American BARNA screen scanning system for scanning, shape and size of the piece, accurately transmits a signal to the PLC controller of the workpiece, the control spray gun movingOpening and closing, paint saving amount. |
湖州拓高機械有限公司是一傢專業從事表麵塗裝設備的研發,設計,制造,銷售與服務的公司,地處浙江省美麗的江南古鎮--湖州南潯,也是全國木地板之都,木門之都等處於杭嘉湖平原中心地帶,上海 杭州 蘇州均在100km以內,交通便利。主要產品有:平麵塗裝設備,自動噴漆設備,砂光設備,仿古拉絲設備及乾燥設備等,六大系列20個品種,主要覆蓋滾塗,淋塗,噴塗等表麵塗裝方式。吸取國內外知名塗裝生產廠傢的新型工藝,並不斷開發研發新型設備,已廣泛應用於各種板材及新型材料塗裝領域。 拓高機械秉持“開拓 創新”的理念,為客戶提供品質精良的成套設備,同時更加註重設備與工藝的結合,運用先進嚴謹的設計,為客戶提供完善而有效的解決方案。 |