型號:SK-B601 | 品牌:CESK | 類型:臺式離子風機 |
氣流方向:3 | 材質:6 | 風機壓力:低壓風機 |
性能:低噪音風機 | 用途:船用風機 | 離子風量:150(cfm) |
消電時間:1。0(s) | 輸入電壓:220(V) | 適用范圍:60 |
安裝距離:30(cm) | 離子風區有效范圍:60 | 離子平衡度:5 |
CESK SK-B601離子風機,可提供平衡離子氣流的、寬范圍集中區域的離子消除器。可消除或中和寬范圍集中目標或不易接觸區域的靜電荷。是精密電子產品,電子組裝,醫藥制造組裝,包裝和細小產品成型的理想的靜電消除器。
CESK lonizing Air Blowers are the static elimination devices which deliver a balancrdion stream to neutralize wide,focused areas .They remove contaminants attraction and neutralize static charges from wide,focused ,or hard to reach areas so as to increase productivity and yield in manufacturing .They are ideally used in industrial enironments such as delicate electronic assembly line,medical device manufacturing and assembly lines ,printing ,packaging,and small part injection molding.
Operating Voltage(操作電壓) | 110v/60hzor220V/50HZ |
Ccrrent Consumption(消耗電流) | 0.25Aor0.12A |
Operating Temperature(操作溫度) | 0---50℃ |
Size(外型尺寸) | 90mm(L)*170mm(W)*260mm(H) |
Weight(重量) | 3kg |
Air Volume(風量) | 45---110CFM |
Offsef volfage(殘餘電壓) | 0V±10v |
Air Coverage(氣流麵積) | 40cm*60cm |
Testing Conditions(測試條件) | ||||
TestingVoltage(測試電壓):1Kvto100Voperating Voltane(操作電壓):110/220Vtemperature(環境溫度):22℃ | ||||
Distance(距離) |
| 300mm | 600mm | 900mm |
Decay time (中和時間) | Positve(正) | 1.1s | 2.4s | 3.8s |
Negative(負) | 1.2s | 2.5s | 4.0s | |
Offsef volfage (殘餘電壓) | Positve(正) | 8V | 5V | 4V |
Negative(負) | 7V | 6V | 3V |
1. 測試距離單位為毫米,中和時間單位為秒。
2. 測試數據以用ME268A靜電測試機測試結果為準。
3. 測試的數據會因測試時的環境空氣溫度而有所變化。
1. Distance measured in mm,decay time measured in seconds.
2. Test data available ME268A Charged plate Analyzer.
3. Test figures are subjecffo the variation in the atmospheric condifeons.
