
  • 現在位置: 首頁 » 貨源 » 機械設備 » 清洗、清理設備 » 掃地機 »
    供應 進口 國產掃地機圓盤刷清掃毛刷滾
    商品代碼: 2857330
    即日起提供日本樂天代購服務-詳見 Rakuten-suki日本樂天代購,謝謝。
    加工定制:是 清掃方式:刷式 類型:駕駛式掃地機
    型號:XY-7818 品牌:新雅

    ng>您好,歡迎光臨本網站!本廠從事刷業於十載,有專業的技術人才和完善的售後服務為您解除後顧之憂。我方專業供應各種工業毛刷、豬毛尼龍毛刷、毛刷滾、毛刷輥、毛刷輪、吸水輥、玻璃清洗刷、拋光刷、皮帶刷、劍麻刷、道路清潔掃路刷、除雪刷、紡織印染用刷、蔬果清洗刷、彈簧刷、橡膠輥等。我廠產品涉及居多行業使用:如紡織印染業、玻璃清洗業。環衛處、食品加工廠、皮革廠、鋼鋁件拋光去毛刺、鋼板加工業等。也可根據客戶圖紙加工、回輪翻新。我廠註重產品質量,更註重每個產品在市場上的價格優勢,並及時添加更多的新品,誠心接待每一位顧客,服務每一位顧客。您的利益就是ng>ng>【新雅刷業】ng>ng>存在的價值。銷售熱線:ng>ng>13866021151 0556-8453272ng>


    ng>我們的目標:貨通天下 利射四海ng>ng>
    ng>ng>我們的宗旨:誠信待人 顧客至上ng>ng>




    Hello, you are welcome to visit this site! Factory engaged in the brush industry in a decade, professional and technical personnel and improve the service for you to worry about lifting. We professional supply all kinds of industrial brushes, the scoparia nylon brush, brush roller, the brush roller, brush wheel, suction roll, glass cleaning brush, polishing brush, brush belt, sisal brush, road cleaning, road sweeping brush textile printing and dyeing brush, snow brush, fruits and vegetables, cleaning brushes, brush springs, rubber roller, and so on. I plant products involved in the majority of industry: such as the textile industry, glass cleaning industry.Sanitation, food processing plants, tanneries, steel and aluminum parts polished deburring steel plate processing industry. Can also be processed according to customer drawings, the back wheel refurbishment. I plant to focus on product quality, pay more attention to the advantages of each product on the market price, and add more new products in a timely manner, sincere reception every customer service to every customer. Your interest is [the Xinya brush industry] the value of existence.

    Our goal is to: cargo through the world Lee shot universally
    Our aim is to: the integrity of others the customer first

    Our core culture: the quality of innovation and service integrity
    Welcome all local businesses to consult and order;
    Note: The pictures, price, product attributes are for reference only. Subject to specific kind or offer, please contact us

    供應 進口 國產掃地機圓盤刷清掃毛刷滾_掃地機_清洗、清理設備_機械設備_貨源_批發一路發
    line 線上客服  ID@tsq1489i