加工定制:是 | 類型:一體式 | 適用領域:電子行業 |
用途:工業用 | 槽數:1 | 型號:S3050A |
清洗溫度:40(℃) | 工作方式:電動 | 品牌:星光SUNKKO |
功率:30~50W |
星光3050A 雙功率30W/50W超音波清洗器
SUNKKO 3050A Dual Power Ultrasonic Clean Station
1) CE品質驗證。
1) CE quality certified.
2) 切換式50W高頻速度及30W柔和速度以供選擇。
2) Shift 50W high speed and 30W gentle speed selection.
3) 自動99秒停止及倒時顯示。
3) Auto stop 99 seconds and countdown LED display.
4) 采用連續40KHz高頻超音波及濾波功率驅動, 清洗餘錫, 油脂, 污垢及灰塵等, 效果超卓, 無損物件。
4) Actuated by 40KHz continuous high frequency ultrasonic and filter power to have excellence performance on tin residue, grease, dirt and dust. No damage to the article.
5) 不銹鋼內膽及玻璃上蓋均為耐化學劑腐蝕的物料, 使清洗器更耐用。
5) Stainless steel container and glass cover are durable from corrosion fluid.
6) 適用於維修中心(電路板及電子組件), 首飾店(銀器), 鐘表店(金屬表帶), 眼鏡店(眼鏡), 美容店(剪刀及夾子), 傢用(假牙)等等。
6) Widely applied for repair centre (circuit board and component), jewelry shop (silver), optical shop (glasses), watch shop (metal bracelet), beauty shop (scissors, clip) and home user (denture), etc.
== 隻 供 參 考 ==
眼鏡及金屬表帶: 洗潔精+水
美容工具: 消毒液體
首飾及假牙: 水
銀器: 洗銀水或使用適當液體
電路板及電子組件: 洗板水或使用適當液體
Glasses and metal bracelet, etc: detergent and water.
Beauty tool: sterilize solution.
Jewelry and denture, etc: Water
Silver: shining solution, please ask chemical shop for suitable solution.
Circuit board and component: special cleaning solution, please ask chemical shop for suitable solution.
== SUNKKO 3050A ==
消耗功率: 30W, 50W
Power Consumption: 30W, 50W
頻率: 40KHz +/-1K
Frequency: 40KHz +/-1K
接地電阻: <2Ω
Ground Resistance: <2Ω
容器: 165(長)85(闊)55(深)毫米
Container: 165(L)x85(W)x55(D) mm
機身: 190(長)130(闊)105(高)毫米
Dimension: 190(L)130(W)105(H) mm
包裝: 21x16x13厘米
Packing: 21x16x13 cm
毛重: 1千克
Gross Weight: 1 kg
*數據如有修改, 恕不另行通知。
*Information maybe revised without prior notice.
