ng>設備名稱:ng>ng>ZQG型振動流化床乾燥機ng> |  | | |  | ng>用途概述 :General of applicationng> | |
★ 振動源是采用振動角電機驅動,運轉平穩,維修方便,噪音低,壽命長。 ★流態化勻稱,無空隙和吹穿現象,可以獲得均勻的乾燥、冷卻制品。 ★可調性好,適應麵寬 , 料層厚度和在機內移動速度以及全振幅變更均可實現無級調節。 ★對物料表麵的損傷小,可用於易碎物料的乾燥 , 物料顆粒不規則時亦不影響工作效果 ★采用全封閉式的結構,有效的防止瞭物料與空氣交叉感染,作業環境清潔。 ★機械效率與熱效率高,節能效果好,比一般的乾燥裝置可節能30-60%。 ★The vibration source is vibration motor. It features constant operation, convenient maintenance, low noise and long life.
★Uniform fluid-bed, without the phenomenon of gap and blowing out. The uniform drying and cooling product can be got.
★Good adjustable and wide applicability. The change of thickness of material layer, moving speed in the machine and full amplitude can adopt infinitely adjustment.
★Less damage to the surface of material. It can be used for drying material that is easy to broken. The work efficiency is not be affected even if the granule of material is irregular.
★Adopt full sealed structure. It is effective to protect cross infection between material and air. The operation environment is clean.
★High mechanical and thermal efficiency and good effect of energy saving. Compared with ordinary drying equipment, it can save 30 ~60% energy.
★ 適用於粉狀、顆粒狀物料的乾燥、冷卻、增濕等作業(或同時進行)。
★ It is widely used for operation of drying, cooling and damp increasing (or carry out at the same time) for power or granule material.
|  | ng>技術參數: Technical data ng>ng>Техгнические характеристикиng> | | 型號 Specification | 床體 (mm)Fluid-bed | 外形尺寸 (mm)Over size | 振動電機功率 (kw) Power of librated motor | 重量 (kg) Weight | A1 | B1 | A | B | C | 3x30 | 300 | 3000 | 890 | 3505 | 1830 | 0.5x2 | 1240 | 3x45 | 300 | 4500 | 1116 | 5005 | 1830 | 0.75x2 | 1570 | 6x45 | 600 | 4500 | 1286 | 5005 | 1904 | 1.1x2 | 1967 | 6x60 | 600 | 6000 | 1286 | 6510 | 1940 | 1.1x2 | 2743 | 6x75 | 600 | 7500 | 1286 | 8010 | 1940 | 1.1x2 | 2886 | 9x60 | 900 | 6000 | 1830 | 6510 | 2110 | 2.2x2 | 3540 | 9x75 | 900 | 7500 | 1830 | 8010 | 2110 | 2.2x2 | 4219 | 12x75 | 1200 | 7500 | 2400 | 8010 | 2450 | 3x2 | 5223 | 15x75 | 1500 | 7500 | 2850 | 8010 | 2570 | 4x2 | 6426 | 18x80 | 1800 | 8000 | 3250 | 8520 | 3100 | 5.5x2 |
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