ng>用 途ng> | | ng>APPLICATIonng> |
◆ 作為中、高等溫度工況下工作的傳動鏈條潤滑油,可應用於紡織、印染、造紙、制藥、化工、橡膠、塑料、木材加工等行業之烘爐、定型機或乾燥機的鏈條、鋼夾和針板的潤滑。 | | ◆ Suitable for lubrication of chain or slide plate of palletizers, dryer, parch furnace of textile, printing, paper, medicine, chemical, rubber, plastic, wood manufacture industrial. |
◆ KANUO CHS 246最高使用溫度可達280℃。 | | ◆ KANUO CHS 246 high temperature range up to 280℃. |
◆ KANUO CHS 310 最高使用溫度可達380℃。 | | ◆ KANUO CHS 310 high temperature range up to 380℃. |
ng>特 性ng> | | ng>SPECIAL PROPERTIESng> |
◆ 采用合成基礎油及優選之特殊添加劑制成,優良的熱穩定性及高溫抗氧化性,能有效地減低積碳和保持鏈條的清潔從而延長清潔鏈條的周期。 | | ◆ Fully synthetic chain lubricants with optimum thermal stability and high temperature prevent from oxidation, reducing carbon form and prolong the cleaning period of chain. |
◆ 優良的滲透性、粘附性和潤滑性,減少鏈條的磨損,延長使用壽命。 | | ◆ Optimum penetration, adhesion and lubrication, reduced wear and prolong the service life of chain. |
◆ 高閃點,揮發性低,保證系統的安全操作。 | | ◆ High flash point, Reduced evaporation losses, safe operation. |
◆ 優異的防銹性和防腐蝕性。 | | ◆ Good corrosion and rust protection. |
ng>典型數據ng> | | ng>TYPICAL DATAng> |