矩形全鋼精密永磁吸盤 用途:適用於平麵磨床,放電加工機、雕刻機、加工中心。 特征: A.on/OFF切換時,磁力麵的平麵精度不便變。 B.磁極間隔精密,磁力分佈均勻,適用於小型零件或簿型物件。 C.使用高性能磁鋼,具強磁力,殘留磁性少。 D.精度高,變形小,符合高精度加工作業。 APPIICATIon: Suitable for heavy and light grinding. It can aiso used in dischargingprocess machine, carving machine,CNC. Feature: A.Whlie turning magnetic force on/OFF,thefiat face accuracy of magnetic force surface doesn't change and can keep high precision processing surface. B.The fine -pitched magnetic poles make it ideaiiy suitable for small and thin work pieces. C.Made from permanent magnet,with strong and less remained magnetism. D.Specially designed for steady and high precision operation. ![](http://img04.taobaocdn.com/imgextra/i4/118627241/T2mYX9XnpbXXXXXXXX_!!118627241.jpg)