品牌:臺灣VERTEX | 型號:VHL-300SR/VHL-3001/2MR | 電壓:220/380(V) |
光源形式:0 | 功率:50/55/70(W) | 適用機床:皆可 |
安裝形式:0 | 是否防水:否 | 長度:400(mm) |
外罩材質:0 | | |
l ng>Fitted with coil transformer resisting unstable voltage.ng> l ng>Long service life.ng> l ng>With Water proof articulated arm.ng> l ng>Round tube arm provides great lighting angles.ng> l ng>MOUNTING ANGLE PLATE J-L01ng> l ng>MOUNTING CLAMP J-C01ng> Totally enclosed lighting head provides well prevention for explosion, dust, coolant, and lubricants. Uses efficient quartz halogen bulb, great light output, soft illuminating without irritating to the eyes. ng>FEATURESng> l Coil transformer built in base for directly connect to voltage of A power. (110V, 220V, 380V….) l Specify voltage as desired when ordering. l It accepts bulb 50W,55W,70W. l Furnished with 1.8 meter cord with plug |
ng style="font-family: simsun; color: #ff0000; font-size: 14pt;">客服QQ1號:813301493 客服QQ2號:2439132579ng>
ng style="font-family: simsun; color: #ff0000; font-size: 14pt;">郵箱:[email protected] 聯系人:劉先生ng>
ng style="font-family: simsun; color: #ff0000; font-size: 14pt;">ng>ng style="font-family: simsun; color: #ff0000; font-size: 14pt;">電話:0731-84897616 傳真:0731-84898616ng>
ng style="font-family: simsun; color: #ff0000; font-size: 14pt;">攜手錦辰,讓我們的事業前程似錦!ng>
ng style="font-family: simsun; color: #ff0000; font-size: 14pt;">祝大傢在本公司購物愉快! ng>
ng style="font-family: simsun; color: #ff0000; font-size: 14pt;"> 錦辰精密機械有限公司銷售部ng>