攪拌機類型:氣動攪拌機 | 應用領域:化工 | 物料類型:液-液 |
適用物料:化學品 | 動力類型:氣動 | 佈局形式:立式 |
品牌:GASTon加斯頓 | 型號:QD-B | 攪拌方式:自落式攪拌 |
作業方式:循環作業式 | 攪拌鼓形狀:推進式 | 每次處理量范圍:20-50(L) |
裝置方式:固定式 | 電機功率:0(Kw) | 生產能力:20-50(L) |
轉速范圍:0-3000(r/min) | 料桶容量:50(L) |
臺板式氣動升降攪拌機Trolley-type pneumatic lifting agitator
It is suitable for use with 20kg liquid-filled barrel of 40cm in diameter. There is stepless speed regulation. The cylinder freely moves up and down. The trolley is used for easy movement.
地盤尺寸Floorplate dimensions: 500MM*400MM
升降高度後離地板麵Leave the ground when being lifted:460MM
可選配:馬達、不銹鋼軸心、葉片、轉速表Options: motor, stainless steel axis, blade and tachometer.
馬達類型 Motor type | 馬達型號 Motor model | 馬力 horsepower | 軸心尺寸 Size blabe | 葉片 vane | 適應黏度 Adapt viscosily | 機架表麵處理 frame surtace treatment |
活塞式馬達 Piston motor | AMP2 | 0.18HP | 軸¢12 *480 | 6 "*1 | 0-2000CPS | 酸洗磷化後, 靜電噴塑 顏色:藍色 可根據要求配色 After pickling phosphate electrostatic pensu Color:blue color available on request |
AMP3 | 0.25HP | 軸¢16 *480 | 6 "*1 | 0-3000CPS | ||
AMP4 | 0.5HP | 軸¢16 *480 | 8 "*1 | 0-5000CPS | ||
AMP5 | 0.75HP | 軸¢16 *480 | 8 "*1 | 0-6000CPS | ||
葉片式馬達 Vane motor | AMV0.68 | 0.9HP | 軸¢12 *480 | 6 "*1 | 0-2000CPS | |
AMV1.3 | 1.7HP | 軸¢16 *480 | 8 "*1 | 0-3000CPS | ||
AMV3 | 4HP | 軸¢16 *480 | 8 "*1 | 0-5000CPS |
