加工定制:是 | 類型:燃油汽車機表 | 品牌:一拖 |
型號:ZB109 | 材質:ABS PC | 適用范圍:農用機械 |

| 本公司主營汽車開關、機表外殼、汽車傳感器等產品,歡迎新老客戶來電洽談采購!
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| 上虞市榮騰電器有限公司位於上虞市小越工業開發區,329國道旁,毗鄰滬杭甬高速公路上虞出口處2公裡,地理位置優越,交通十分便捷。 公司現占地麵積6000平方米,建築麵積4000平方米,是一傢專業從事汽車機表部件、工程車機表配件、收割機機表配件、汽車裡程傳感器、汽車翹板開關、及塑料制品加工與產品開發的為一體的科技型民營企業。專業技術人員十餘名,註塑機15臺、模具加工設備10臺。企業為提高產品競爭力,依托科技力量,倡導“品質為本,創新為魂”的經營宗旨,積極開發新品,同時可根據用戶的不同需求進行設計生產。企業經過多年不斷發展壯大,建立瞭從采購、生產、檢測、銷售和售後服務全過程的質量保證體系,先進的生產工藝及檢測手段,使產品質量達到同行業內領先水平,深受廣大新老客戶的一致好評! 公司謁誠歡迎國內外新老客戶蒞臨指導合作,共創輝煌的明天! Shangyu Rong Teng Electric Co., Ltd. is located in the Xiaoyu industrial development zone, Shangyu City, 329 National Highway, Adjacent to Shanghai, Hangzhou, Ningbo, excellent location, transportation is very convenient. Company covers an area of 6,000 square meters,.The main products include automotive rocker switch, automotive sensors, automotive, construction vehicles, agricultural machinery meter parts and plastic products. Enterprises to improve product competitiveness, relying on scientific and technological strength, promote "quality-oriented, innovation is the soul" business purposes, actively develop new products, while according to the different needs of design and production. After years of continuous development and growth, established from procurement, production, testing, sales and service the whole process of quality assurance system, advanced production technology and testing methods, make product quality reach the level of peers in the industry-leading. We sincerely welcome new and old customers to guide cooperation, create brilliant tomorrow!
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