加工定制:是 | 類型:真空檢漏機 | 品牌:Exquiite |
型號:JZ8668 | 測量范圍:直徑80*高60 | 測量對象:鐘表,玩具,鏡頭,相機等測試 |
工作溫度:*常溫(℃) | 分辨率:*100% | 電源:*220V |
尺寸:*600*400*550(mm) | 重量:30(kg) |
Shenzhen Ming Jie Mechanical Company is an organization with production and sales distribution. Major products include: Vacuum waterproof testing equipment, watch and clock testing equipment, water pressure tester, tension and torsion tester, swing tester, vibration tester, , automatic assembly line, thermosettting electrical hot plate, single head tester, watch and clock tool production and other design and production.
Shenzhen Ming Jie Mechanical Company is approved and registered by the related departments of the country. We have stong background, good pricing, excellent service and have a long term relationship with various companies. We welcome you to visit, audit and search for business opportunities
Shenzhen Ming Jie Mechanical Company is an organization with production and sales distribution. Major products include: Vacuum waterproof testing equipment, watch and clock testing equipment, water pressure tester, tension and torsion tester, swing tester, vibration tester, , automatic assembly line, thermosettting electrical hot plate, single head tester, watch and clock tool production and other design and production.
Shenzhen Ming Jie Mechanical Company is approved and registered by the related departments of the country. We have stong background, good pricing, excellent service and have a long term relationship with various companies. We welcome you to visit, audit and search for business opportunities
