加工定制:否 | 品牌:Mitutoyo/三豐 | 型號:RA-1500 |
測量精度:0.02μ | 外形尺寸:650800X750(mm) | 重量:160(kg) |
適用范圍:軸類產品 |
品名(Name) 規格(Specification) 數量Quantity 單價(Price) 總價(Total)
三豐圓度機 mitutoyo RA-1500 1臺
解析項目 | 粗糙度?同軸度?同心度?直徑?圓誤差、總誤差、圓柱度、半徑偏差,厚度偏差 偏厚度?平麵度?平行度、垂直度,錐形度、直線度、傾斜度、公差、圓度分析、能量圖譜,輪齒分析、諧波分析、文本數據輸出(CSV格式)。 |
旋轉精度(徑向) | (0.02+6H/10000)μm (H檢測高度) |
旋轉精度(軸向) | (0.02+6H/10001)μm (X為距離旋轉中心的長度) |
最大檢測直徑 | 100mm |
最大檢測高度 | 90mm(反向安裝測桿且縱向測量時:480mm) |
最大檢測深度 | 100mm |
調心范圍 | ±3mm |
調水平范圍 | ±1° |
Parallelism of column | 1.7μ/480㎜ |
旋轉速度 | 4rpm、6rpm、10rpm |
最大工件直徑 | 400mm |
最大工件重量 | 10Kg |
評價方法 | LSC, MZC, MIC, MCC |
濾波截取值 | 15、50,150、500,upr |
記錄倍率 | X100到X100000,AUTO |
檢出範圍 | ±1000µm |
尺寸 | 667x475x1100mm |
重量 | 200kg |
電源 | AC100~240V |
消費電力 | 最大40VA |
使用空氣壓力 | 390kPa(4kg/cm2) |
空氣消耗量 | 30L/min |
1.標準測針 | 1 set |
2.定心卡盤 | 1 set |
3.倍率校準片 | 1 set |
4.戴爾電腦+液晶顯示器 | 1 set |
5.三豐圓度測量軟件中文版ROUNDPAK(三豐原裝) | 1 set |
6.防震氣動平臺 | 1 set |
叁.Machine installation, commissioning and training atcustomer site (2 working days) 機器現場安裝,調試及培訓(2個工作日)
①Delivery time: Terms and Conditions 交貨周期:2-3個月
②Warranty: one year.
質保期: 一年(不包括人為損壞及使用不當)
③Payment: Pre-paid 90% of the goods to pay the balance on acceptance 0k
付款方式: 預付90%貨到驗收0K付餘款。
④Delivery place: Sandvik Hard Material Liaoning Plant 交貨地: 國內遼寧
* This price includes TAX like import duty,V.A.T and so on. 以上價格不含稅)
* The above price excluding tax)
電源供應必須保持恒定,以保證機器的正常使用,建議使用電源穩壓器. *Training培訓:
To be done by the LEEPORT engineer.
*The training covers installation, initial calibration of machine and operational training. 由Mitutoyo的工程師負責安裝調試校準及培訓.
*The envirronmental conditions for machine such as power supply, air supply,
are to be prepared at the customer"s side
*Warranty質保: 12 months from the date of installation to be completed.
* This warranty is against manufacturing fault only.
* This warranty is applicable only for the items stated in this quotation. 質保隻對應本報價所註明之項目.
Noted by馬生13631709005 Approved by:
