加工定制:否 | 品牌:華運安特 | 型號:ISCO 4250 |
類型:全自動三坐標測量機 | 定位精度:/(mm) | 外形尺寸:模塊尺寸 40.6*29.2*26.7cm,標準傳感器尺寸 16.8*4.1*3.0cm(mm) |
·美國ISCO 4250速度麵積便攜式流速超音波測量機探頭的流線型造型避免瞭有機物殘渣和水流中化學成分的腐蝕
·低斷麵探頭適用於淺流,水位可低至1英寸(25毫米) ·可選擇電話調制器-提供獲取遠程數據,語音信息,和警報信號
·美國ISCO 4250速度麵積便攜式流速超音波測量機即便在槽或堰不適用、探頭被浸沒、滿管、過載或有逆流發生的地方
液位測量方法 浸入式壓力傳感
液位測量范圍 0.015至3.05m,可延伸至0.015-9.14m
液位準確性 ±0.008/m
速度測量方法 多普勒超音波方法
頻率 500KHz
速度范圍 -1.5至6.1m/s
速度準確性 -1.5至1.5m/s,±0.03m/s,1.5至6.1m/s, ±2%
模塊存儲溫度 -40~60℃
操作溫度 -18±~60℃
電源 12~14V DC
防護等級 IP65
數據存儲間隔 1分鐘到120分鐘可選擇
模塊尺寸 40.6*29.2*26.7cm
溫度影響 ±0.0027m/℃
標準傳感器尺寸 16.8*4.1*3.0cm
標準傳感器重量 0.96kg
電纜線長 7.6m, 可延長至15.2m
The sensor on the Isco 4250 uses patented Doppler technology to directly measure average velocity in the flow stream. An integral pressure transducer measures liquid depth to determine flow area. The 4250 then calculates flow rate by multiplying the area of the flow stream by its average velocity.
The 4250 gives you greater accuracy in applications where weirs or flumes are not practical, or where submerged, full pipe, surcharged and reverse flow conditions may occur. With area velocity you don’t have to estimate the slope and roughness of the channel. And Isco’s exclusive 500 kHz Doppler penetrates farther into deep flow streams than 1 MHz systems, whose shorter wavelength can cause them to give “nearsighted” velocity measurement in typical wastewater applications. The Doppler system continuously profiles the flow stream, eliminating profiling and calibration required by electromagnetic systems.
Standard Features
4200 Series
- Built-in flow conversions for most applications, including Manning formula, data points, or equation for special situations.
- Set up with or without a computer. All setup functions can be done either via onboard keypad and two-line x 80-character backlit LCD, or by connection to PC with Flowlink software.
- Built-in dot matrix printer gives you an accurate, on-site printout
- Internal memory stores over 2 months of flow, rainfall, parameter, and sample data at 15 minute intervals.
- Outputs for Sampler activation, alarm outputs
- Inputs for connection to 674 Rain Gauge and multiparameter water quality sonde,
4250 Area Velocity
- Sealed Area-Velocity sensor resists fouling by oil and grease. Streamlined shape sheds debris.
- Choice of standard (10 ft) and extended (30 ft) level measurement range.
Accurate open channel flow measurement without a weir or flume
Pretreatment Compliance
Stormwater Runoff Monitoring
Permit Enforcement
Sewer Flow Monitoring
Combined Sewer Overflow Studies
Inflow and Infiltration Studies
River and Stream Gauging
Options and Accessories
Choice of Standard and Low Profile Area Velocity Sensors.
- Standard Sensor is recommended for larger pipes and turbid flows with high concentrations of suspended solids and entrained air.
- Low Profile Sensor is recommended for shallows flows, typically down to 1" (25 mm).
Optional telephone modem - provides remote data retrieval, voice messaging, and dial-out alarm conditions
Analog Outputs - up to 3 isolated internal 4-20 mA outputs
Mounting rings for installation of probe in round pipes from 6 to 15 inches in diameter
Non-resettable totalizer
674 Rain Gauge
581 RTD data retrieval device downloads up to 20 meters
201 pH module adds pH and temperature measurement/logging
YSI 600 Multi-Parameter Water Quality Monitor
Suspension equipment (to hang flowmeter in manhole)
Size (H x W x D): 17.0 x 11.5 x 10.5 in. (43 x 29 x 26.7 cm) (without power source)
Weight: 17.3 lbs (7.8 kg) (without power source)
Material: High-impact molded polystyrene structural foam
Enclosure: NEMA 4X (iP65)
Power: 12 to 14V DC, 14 mA average at 12.5V DC
Typical Battery Life (printer set at 1 in/hr, 1 minute level reading interval, 5 minute velocity reading interval)
934 Nickel-Cadmium Battery: 8 to 11 days
946 Lead-Acid Battery: 12 to 16 days
948 Lead-Acid Battery: 2½ to 3 months
Program Memory: Non-volatile, programmable flash. Updateable without opening enclosure.
Display: Backlit LCD, 2-line, 80-character (5.5 mm high x 3.2 mm wide)
Level-to-Area Conversions
Channel shapes: Round, U-shaped, rectangular, trapezoidal
Data points: Four sets of 50 level-area points
Level-to-Flow Rate Conversions
Weirs: V-notch, rectangular, Cipolletti
Flumes: Parshall, Palmer-Bowlus, Leopold-Lagco,Trapezoidal, H, HS, HL
Manning Formula: Round, U-channel, rectangular, trapezoidal
Data Points: Four sets of 50 level-flow rate points
Equation: Two-term polynomial
LCD: Total, forward, and reverse flow; 9 digits each, floating decimal point, resettable
Mechanical (optional): Total flow, 7 digits, non-resettable
Area Velocity Sensor (See separate specifications for low-profile sensor)
Size (LxWxH): 6.6 x 1.6 x 1.2 inches (16.8 x 4.1 x 3.0 cm)
Weight, incl. cable: 2.1 lbs (0.96 kg) for standard probe with 25 foot cable; 3.9 lbs (1.8 kg) for extended range probe with 50 ft cable.
Ambient Operating Temperature Range: 0° to 140°F (-18° to 60°C)
Compensated Temperature Range: 32° to 140°F (0° to 60°C)
Materials: Polybutadiene-based polyurethane, stainless steel; PVC and CPVC cable
Velocity Measurement
Method: Doppler Ultrasonic, 500 kHz
Velocity range: -5 to +20 ft/s (-1.5 to 6.1 m/s)
Level Measurement
Method: Submerged pressure transducer
Standard range probe: measurement range 0.05 to 10 ft (0.015 to 3.05 m); max level 20 ft (6.1 m)
Extended range probe: measurement range 0.05 to 30 ft (0.015 to 9.14 m); max level 40 ft (12.2 m)
Standard probe accuracy (Non-linearity, repeatability, and hysteresis at 25°C (77°F). Max error for indicated level range.
0.033 to 5.0 ft (0.01 to 1.52 m): ±0.008 ft/ft (±0.008 m/m)
>5.0 ft (>1.52 m): ±0.012 ft/ft (±0.012 m/m)
Extended probe accuracy (Non-linearity, repeatability, and hysteresis at 25°C (77°F). Max error for indicated level range.
0.05 to 15 ft (0.015 to 4.57 m): ±0.03 ft (±0.009 m)
0.05 to 21 ft (0.015 to 6.4 m): ±0.09 ft (±0.027 m)
0.05 to 30 ft (0.015 to 9.14 m): ±0.3 ft (±0.09
