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    商品代碼: 2792896
    即日起提供日本樂天代購服務-詳見 Rakuten-suki日本樂天代購,謝謝。
    加工定制:是 品牌:鐵獅著名品牌 型號:1.100-1.300
    類型:液體比重計 測量精度:0.001 測量范圍:1.100-1.300
    材質:玻璃 橡膠 適用范圍:專門用於測量蓄電池液體濃度

    nt face="宋體">ng>ng>nt size="5">nt size="2">ng>nt size="5">nt size="2">nt size="5">全方位 技術跟蹤:4000-111-604nt>nt>nt>ng>nt>nt>ng>ng>nt>

    nt face="宋體">ng>nt size="2">ng>nt size="5">nt size="2">ng>nt size="5">nt size="2">nt size="5">技術支持:0317-7679570   技術交流nt>nt>nt>ng>nt>nt>ng>nt>ng>nt>

    nt face="宋體">ng>nt size="2">ng>nt size="5">nt size="2">ng>nt size="5">nt size="2">nt size="5">QQ: 740078385        nt>nt>nt>ng>nt>nt>ng>nt>ng>nt>

    nt face="宋體">ng>nt size="2">ng>nt size="5">nt size="2">ng>nt size="5">備註:商鋪銷售商品均為:全新產品 可提供正式增值稅發票nt>ng>nt>nt>ng>nt>ng>nt>

    nt face="宋體">    河間市京河機器機表有限公司nt> nt face="宋體">是專業生產各類玻璃液體比重計,,電子測試機器機表的大型正規公司。下設玻璃機器機表車間,電子機器機表車間,的國傢計量定點企業,本公司產品定期出口國外。nt>



                密度計 標準溫度20℃


    Inhaled electro-hydraulic density meter is designed use method
    The 2006-10-7 09:56 questioner: desert love the rain | browsing number: 7201 times
    How to check its acid density?
    And the best answer glass float plan instructions
    1. Float plan before using all must dry cleaning, (with soap or alcohol swabbed clean)
    2. After cleaning clean the project after float, hand can't take the degree of the scribed line, must use forefinger and thumb gently in the top line shall take, and can't take the attention should be vertical take, in case the broken
    3. Must be and the use of liquid of tube clean, lest affect reading
    4. To fully mixing liquid, and then put the bubble eliminate float plan gently floated in the liquid, make the float in the first project, three points degrees floating, to have good on the curved surface into take a reading, reading or not
    5. To see floating plan reading method, such as floating in the small sign plan marked "crescent margin on reading" outside, other all use "crescent inferior to face reading". As shown in figure.
    6. The liquid temperature and float plan not standard temperature, the reading should be corrected
    7. Such as the discovery of dividing the position paper, glass cracks, the surface has adhered unclean not remove, the float plan to immediately stop to use.

    Glass float plan allow error
    1. The maximum permissible error float plan must not be more than + /-a dividing value.
    2. This glass plan according to the national standard measurement < JJG86-86 standard glass float plan and JJG42-87 work glass float gauge verification procedures > by Shanghai standard standard measurement and our factory metrological verification factory, the product with certificate.

    Standard temperature 20 ℃ density meter is designed
    The use of density meter is designed range is very wide, density is more than 1000 Kg/m ³. Used for testing all kinds of acid and alkali, salt solution density. For example the sulfuric acid, nitric acid, acid hydrochloric acid and some inorganic acid or organic acid etc solution, alkali in the class of sodium hydroxide (caustic soda), potassium hydroxide solution etc, salts of zinc, such as sodium chloride solution.
    Density of less than 1000 KG/m ³ used for determination of methanol, ethanol, ethyl ether solution, and gasoline, kerosene, vegetable oil and petroleum ether the density of its liquid.

    line 線上客服  ID@tsq1489i