
nt face="黑體" size="4">隨著信號的日趨復雜, 數字示波器就算取樣率再高也很有可能無法完整的呈現信號的全貌或是信號與信號之間的相對關系. GDS-1000A系列數位示波器, 提供60/ 100/ 150MHz頻寬以及1GSa/s高速即時取樣速度, 全新的MemoryPrime technolognt>nt face="黑體" size="4">(更多關於MemoryPrime技術, 請瀏覽www.Memory-Prime.com)nt>nt face="黑體" size="4">更優化一般數字示波器因為長記憶體可能導致的波型更新率下降的問題, 讓您在最有效率的狀況下全速分析波型的細節.
5.6”高解析的彩色無亮點的TFT顯示器, USB/ SD記憶卡的支持, 友善的操作人機介麵...更重要的是GDS-1000A全系列均提供nt>nt face="黑體" size="4">終身保固計劃!nt>nt face="黑體" size="4">! 這所有的一切GW Instek隻為瞭讓追求卓越的您能夠在花費最小測試成本下取得最大的利益, 並讓您在工作上大顯身手.nt>
| | ng>about MemoryPrime TECHNOLOGYng> | | What is the single feature lacking from most digital storage oscilloscopes? Adequate memory depth. Is the memory depth of your DSO large enough?
With 2M points of memory, the GDS-1000A has the capability to acquire far more waveform data compared to other DSOs in the same performance range.
The 1GSa/s sampling rate and 2M point memory plays an extremely powerful role for single-shot waveform capture. Properly set the trigger conditions to baby-sit the expected waveform. When the single-shot waveform is triggered and captured, you are able to check and see the single-shot event without losing any detailed information. A DSO, with high sampling rate but short memory, can't do the job of single-shot waveform capture as good as what GDS-1000A can do. | | ng>EASY TO USEng> | | Full-featured acquisition mode and 27 auto measurement functions help users to measure the parameters of captured waveforms accurately. The advanced Auto-Set function enables GDS-1000A Series to catch waveform automatically and display waveform quickly. With Arithmetic functions, +, -, x and FFT, GDS-1000A Series keep users being aware of the measurement results by updating values immediately. Without almost extra calculation, GDS-1000A can provide sufficient information of testing. | | ng>ConVENIENT TOOLS FOR WAVEFORM OBSERVATIon-DELAY on/ OFFng> |  | For the convenience of waveform observation and analysis, the GDS-1000A includes Delay on/Off functions usually seen only in the higher end products. With Delay on, a signal can be observed from an offset of the trigger point. With this feature, the horizontal scale, so as the waveform scale, can be expanded and centered on the delay point, but not the trigger point. This allows a signal to be observed in detail where needed. | | ng>ConVENIENT TOOLS FOR WAVEFORM OBSERVATIon-EXPAND BY GROUND/CENTERng> | | In a DSO, "AC Coupling" is normally used to isolate the AC components of a signal by blocking the DC components. This is useful to see a signal with a small AC component that is offset with a large DC voltage. With AC coupling to block the DC voltage, small AC waveforms can be observed from the center of the screen for measurement or examination. However, capacitive loading under AC coupling mode may cause waveform distortion as low frequency components may become degraded, which must be avoided in frequency critical applications. The Expand by Ground and Center functions are convenient tools to expand a waveform vertically. With this feature, the vertical scale of a waveform can be expanded either from the ground reference or from the center of the screen without causing capacitive loading. | | ng>FFT & FFTrmsng> |  | To observe the fundamental and harmonic components of a signal, the FFT math function on a digital storage oscilloscope is often used. Typically the traditional unit of the FFT is a decibel (dB).
However using dB, it is difficult to identify the fundamental frequency of a signal from a noisy spectrum sometimes. With the FFTrms function, the GDS-1000A series can clearly display the fundamental frequency of an acquired waveform. | | ng>PC REMOTE ConTROL SOFTWAREng> |  | Using a USB port coupled with FreeWave remote monitoring software is the easiest and most convenient way to capture data from the GDS-1000A. With FreeWave, a screenshot can be saved as an image file (.bmp/.jpg),waveform data(.csv)can be logged and movie files(.wmv) can be recorded in real-time. Not only can FreeWave monitor and record waveforms over a long period of time , but previously recorded waveforms can also be observed. Instrument settings can even be configured without the need to learn incomp rehensible command line syntax. With the simple user interface and robust features, FreeWave allows you to get the most out of the GDS-1000A with little effort. When a test report is needed you no longer have to copy and paste data into your documents. With the Microsoft Excel or Word Add-ins, you only need to click the Add-in icon to import your test data, saving you time and effort. | | ng>GUARANTEED PROTECTIonng> |  | By providing the Global Lifetime Warranty Program for the GDS-1000A digital storage oscilloscope series, we believe you can have the same confidence we do in the quality of each GDS-1000A DSO. By purchasing a GDS-1000A you can be assured of a highly economical, low maintenance, quality DSO backed with the protection of the LifeTime Warranty program. The Lifetime Warranty Program guarantees customers will be supported regardless of their location. Customers will receive at least 5 years of full support even after production has ceased. For more details and applicable conditions regarding the LifeTime Service program, please visit the GW Instek website or consult your nearest distributor. |
| ng>GDS-1062Ang> | ng>GDS-1102Ang> | ng>GDS-1152Ang> | 垂直系統 | 通道數 | 2 | 帶寬 | DC ~ 60MHz (-3dB) | DC ~ 100MHz (-3dB) | DC ~ 150MHz (-3dB) | 上升時間 | <約5.8ns | <約3.5ns | <約2.3ns | 靈敏度 | 2mV/div ~ 10V/div (1-2-5 步進) | 精確度 | ±(3% x |讀出數值|+0.1 div + 1mV) | 輸入耦合 | AC, DC & 接地 | 輸入阻抗 | 1MΩ±2%, ~15pF | 極性 | 正向 ,反向 | 最大輸入 | 300V (DC+AC peak), CATII | 波形信號處理 | + , - , x, FFT, FFTrms | 偏移范圍 | 2mV/div ~ 50mV/div : ±0.4V 100mV/div ~ 500mV/div : ±4V 1V/div ~ 5V/div : ±40V 10V/div : ±300V | 帶寬限制 | 20MHz (-3dB) | 觸發系統 | 觸發源 | CH1 , CH2 , 電源, 外部觸發 | 觸發模式 | 自動, 普通, 單次, TV, 邊沿, 脈寬 | 觸發耦合 | AC , DC , 低頻抑制 , 高頻抑制 , 噪聲抑制 | 靈敏度 | DC ~ 25MHz : 約 0.5div 或 5mV | 外部觸發 | 范圍 | ±15V | 靈敏度 | DC ~ 25MHz : ~ 50mV ; 25M ~ 150MHz : ~15mV | 輸入阻抗 | 1MΩ±2% , ~ 15pF | 最大輸入 | 300V (DC AC peak) , CATII | 水平系統 | 掃瞄范圍 | 1ns/div ~ 50s/div (1-2.5-5 步進); 滾動模式 : 250ms/div ~ 50s/div | 顯示模式 | 主時基, 窗口, 窗口放大, 滾動, X-Y | 準確度誤差 | ±0.01% | 前置觸發 | 最大10 div | 後置觸發 | 1000 div | X-Y 模式 | X-軸輸入 | 通道 1 | Y-軸輸入 | 通道 2 | 相位移 | ±3° 在 100kHz | 信號獲取系統 | 實時采樣率 | 最大1GSa/s | 等效采樣率 | 最大25GSa/s | 垂直分辨率 | 8bit | 記錄長度 | 最大2 Mega點 | 獲取模式 | 采樣, 峰值偵測, 平均 | 峰值測量 | 10ns (500ns/div ~ 10s/div) | 平均次數 | 2 , 4 , 8 , 16 , 32 , 64 , 128 , 256 | 遊標及測量系統 | 電壓測量 | Vpp , Vamp , V avg , Vrms , Vhi , Vlo , Vmax , Vmin , Rise Preshoot/Overshoot , Fall Preshoot/Overshoot | 時間測量 | 頻率, 周期, 上升時間 ,下降時間, 正脈寬,負脈寬, 占空比 | 延遲測量 | 8種時間延遲量測 | 遊標測量 | ΔV ΔT | 計頻器 | 分辨率: 6 位 精確度: ±2% 信號源:除視頻觸發模式下,所有可用觸發源 | 控制麵板功能 | 自動設定 | 自動調整垂直系統,水平系統,觸發電平 | 存儲 | 高達15組麵板設定 | 波形存儲 | 15 組波形 | 顯示系統 | TFT LCD | 5.6 英吋 | 顯示分辨率 | 234 x 320 點 | 顯示格線 | 8 x 10 格 | 顯示亮度 | 可調整 | 介麵 | USB 接口 | USB1.1 & 2.0 全速兼容 (不支持印表機和FLASH閃存) | SD記憶卡插槽 | 圖像 (BMP), 波形數據 (CSV), 和麵板設定 (SET) | 電源 | 電壓范圍 | AC 100V ~ 240V , 48Hz ~ 63Hz , 自動選擇 | 其他功能 | 多國語言選單 | 有 | 即時幫助 | 有 | 附件 | | 用戶手冊 x 1 電源線 x 1 GTP-150A-2 探棒(10:1/1:1) x 2 | 尺寸和重量 | | | 310(W) x 142(H) x 140(D)mm 約 2.5kg |