nt size="3">FEATUREnt> | nt size="3">ITEMnt> | nt size="3">SPECIFICATIonSnt> |
nt size="3">MAIN OUTPUTnt> | nt size="3">Frequence Rangent> | nt size="3"> 0.5Hz to 5MHz in 8 Rangent> |
nt size="3">Waveformsnt> | nt size="3"> 4 Waveforms(Sins, Square, Triangle, DC)nt> |
nt size="3">Amplftudent> | nt size="3"> 20Vp-p / Open, 10Vp-p / 50Ω Loadnt> |
nt size="3">Attenuatornt> | nt size="3"> X20 (-26dB) ±2%, X1 (0dB)nt> |
nt size="3">Output Impedancent> | nt size="3"> 50Ω (±2%)nt> |
nt size="3">DC Offectnt> | nt size="3"> ±10V With Pull ADJ Switchnt> |
nt size="3">Freq Accuracynt> | nt size="3"> ±0.02% + IDnt> |
nt size="3">Distortionnt> | nt size="3"> <1%, 1Hz to 100KHznt> |
nt size="3">Rise / Fall Timent> | nt size="3"> <90nsnt> |
nt size="3">V.C.F Inputnt> | nt size="3"> 0 to ±10V control frequency to 1000:1nt> |
nt size="3">SYNC OUTPUTnt> | nt size="3">Rise timent> | nt size="3"> <60nsnt> |
nt size="3">Levelnt> | nt size="3"> >3Vp-p (open)nt> |
nt size="3">Wavefromnt> | nt size="3"> Square, plusent> |
nt size="3">SWEEPnt> | nt size="3">MODEnt> | nt size="3"> Linear / Log Sweepnt> |
nt size="3">Widthnt> | nt size="3"> >100:1 continuously variablent> |
nt size="3">Ratent> | nt size="3"> From 10mS to 5S continuously variablent> |
nt size="3">Sweekp Outputnt> | nt size="3"> 10Vp-p (open)nt> |
nt size="3">Output Impedancent> | nt size="3"> 1KΩ±2%nt> |
nt size="3">COUNTERnt> | nt size="3">Desplaynt> | nt size="3"> 5digits 0.36" Red LED desplay with Autorangent> |
nt size="3">Gate timent> | nt size="3"> Auto selec (0.25S~10S)nt> |
nt size="3">Resolutionnt> | nt size="3"> 0.001Hznt> |
nt size="3">MODEnt> | nt size="3"> INT / EXT HF / EXT LF (100KHz Filter)nt> |
nt size="3">Accuracynt> | nt size="3"> ±Time Base Accuracy ±1countnt> |
nt size="3">Time Basent> | nt size="3"> 20MHz ±20PPM (23±5°C)nt> |
nt size="3">Frequence Rangent> | nt size="3"> 0.2Hz~60MHZnt> |
nt size="3">Sensitivitynt> | nt size="3"> 25m Vrms at 1MHznt> |
nt size="3">Max Inputnt> | nt size="3"> 150Vrmsnt> |
nt size="3">Input Impedancent> | nt size="3"> 1MΩ±2%nt> |
nt size="3">Sensitivitynt> | nt size="3"> AC115V/230V ±10%, 50/60Hz, 25wattnt> |
nt size="3">Max Inputnt> | nt size="3"> 275(W) X 90(H) X 300(D) mmnt> |
nt size="3">Input Impedancent> | nt size="3"> 2.5kgnt> |