加工定制:是 | 品牌:Granville-Phillips | 型號:GP 274 |
測量范圍:1x10-3(Pa) | 外形尺寸:152X70(mm) | 重量:0.2(kg) |
產品適用范圍:真空測量 |
GP 274 Glass Bayard-Alpert Type Ionization Gauges
Granville-Phillips® heat-loss sensors from Brooks, including thermocouples and the industry-standard Convectron gauge, provide exceptionally reliable performance at low vacuum. If your process requires accurate atmospheric measurement, Brooks also has combination gauges to meet your needs.
Granville-Phillips glass Bayard-Alpert ionization gauges have a bifilar grid and either a burn-out resistant filament or dual tungsten filaments.
Key Features
· Tubulation – 3/4 inch or 1 inch diameters in Kovar, Pyrex or flanged
· Degas – resistance heating or electron bombardment
· Electrical connections – mates with standard electrical connector
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