ng> 汽車動力升級 ECU編程 ECU改寫工具ng>

ng>BDM 100 is a universal reader/programmer (it does not require our RACE software necessarily) that allows the user to read and program files in the ECU supplied with MOTOROLA MPC5xx processor (essential).ng>
ng>BDM100 是流行的讀取ECU數據 ECU編程的工具,ng>
ng>並且支持ng>ng>摩托羅拉ng>ng>MPC5xx 處理器,ng>
ng>BDM 100 requires the ECU to be open, "on the bench", as the reading/programming operations are realized by linking a flat cable to specific area the ECU (the tool, on the other side, is linked to the USB port of a computer).ng>
ng>BDM 100 allows also to create perfect copies of the whole software of an ECU (after having read the original ECU software).ng>
ng>The software allows to read and program the WHOLE ECU content of:
29BL802 SSOP eprom file (or ROM memory with maps if eprom physically not present);
MOTOROLA MPC5xx Processor file;
Serial Eprom content.
Please note that even in the case of the ECU blocking, due to the wrong checksum recalculation, the ECU can always be reprogrammed and then retrieved (if the original software has been previously stored).ng>
ng>Package includes: 包裝:ng>
ng>1 BDM 100 Interface. 主機ng>
ng>2 ECU connecting cable with 3 adapters. 線和適配器ng>
ng>3 USB connecting cable. USB連接線ng>
ng>4 12V Power Supply. 12伏的電源適配器ng>