加工定制:否 | 類型:汽車室內空間質量分析機器 | 檢測誤差:1(%) |
工作溫度:0-60(℃) | 電壓:220(V) | 尺寸:400 X300(mm) |
品牌:DUJE | 型號:3000 |
技術參數:Technical parameters
1.測試汽車車內空氣項目Items to be analyzed on air inside a vehicle:甲醛formaldehyde、苯、氨、甲苯、二甲苯、benzene, ammonia, methylbenzene, dimethybenzene,TVOC
2.測量范圍:Scope of analysis
3.流量范圍Range of flow:流量6×2.5l/m
4.其它旁路流量范圍Range of flow of other bypass:流量3.0L/min
5.光源Light source:LED發光二極管,波長630nm LED with light wave length 630nm
6.準確度Accuracy:±5%reading,甲醛測量精度Accuracy in formaldehyde test±0.005mg/m3 :
7.現場熱敏打印定制格式的檢測報告on-spot thermal sensitive printing the test ort in set form
8.流量穩定性Flow stability:>95%
9.時間控制Time control:0—240分鐘可任意設定To be set between 0 to 240 minutes as desired
11.電源Power supply:AC220V 50HZ交流電、DC12V直流電
▲該監測機性能指標可與國際知名廠商721分光光度計進行參比。This analyzer can be compared with similar 721 spectrophotometers by international manufacturers.
▲內置大容量鎳氫電池,交、直流兩用供電方式,直流供電可連續工作8小時以上。Heavy duty Ni-H batteries built-in and AC/DC power supply mode.
▲采樣泵采用直流泵,流量穩定,整機震動小,噪音極低。The sampling pump is direct current pump with stable flow, low vibration and neglect able noise.
▲現場測定其含量,中文操作界麵,大液晶背光顯示,方便用戶操作。The contents can be measured on the spot. Operation interface in Chinese, large LCD facilitate the operation by the user.
▲具有實時時鐘功能,可以顯示當前的日期與時間,並可自動記錄、打印測量時間,方便日後查詢。Real time clock function displays the current date and time. Automatic recording and printing the test time facilitate reference in the future.
▲具有數據存儲功能,大容量的數據存儲器可以存儲多達500條的測量記錄,可供日後查詢、打印。Data storage function. Database with large capacity can store up to 500 test records which may be referred to and printed out in the future.
Function to measure temperature and humidity. It can combine and store the temperature and humidity measured during the test period together with the test data, which is beneficial to the analysis and statistics of the test data.
▲具有數據輸出功能,一鍵式操作,可以將所有的測量數據通過通用軟件傳輸到電腦中,方便用戶的統計分析。Data output function with one click operation can transfer all test data to computer via software to facilitate the statistics and analysis work by the user.
▲機器核心部件及光源探測器采用德國進口制造。Key components and light source detector are imported from Germany.
▲比色池采用高精度模具加工制造而成,聚光效果好,測量精度高,比色池獨特的設計結構徹底避免瞭外界光對測定結果的影響。Color comparison pool is made by high precision matrix with high efficient converging and accuracy. The unique designed structure totally eliminates the interference of the test result by external light.
▲能適應不同現場環境溫度測量,溫度漂移較小。自動測量現場溫度。The test may be done in various temperatures on different sites with little temperature drift and measures the site temperature automatically.
