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    2014寶馬最新故障診斷BMW ICOM A2+B+C Tool 硬件不含軟件
    商品代碼: 2786309
    即日起提供日本樂天代購服務-詳見 Rakuten-suki日本樂天代購,謝謝。
    加工定制:是 類型:汽車故障診斷機 電壓:12(V)
    品牌:BMW 型號:BMW ICOM A2 品質保證:1年

    ng>新款寶馬診斷檢測設備BMW ICOM A2+B+Cng>



    新一代寶馬檢測設備 BMW ICOM  A2 正式麵市銷售,由於老款的診斷硬Icom A 在散熱方麵存在一些問題,在使用過程中設備可能會過熱,影響診斷或者編程進程,Icom A2解決瞭這一問題,散熱性能得到瞭改進。
    此外,老款Icom A,硬件防護方麵也有些不足,稍顯脆弱,新款的設備為全鋁殼機身,並且采用瞭航空防爆接頭,全麵提升瞭防護性能,而且采用瞭類似奔馳的接頭的連接線 , 讓整個設備之間的連接更加的穩定。

    COM A2+B+C is second generation of BMW diagnostic interface for ISTA system.
    Interface А2 - OBD diagnostic supporting MOST, D-CAN and K-CAN protocols
    Interface B - diagnostic via MOST bus, and have connection to А-interface via USB connection.
    Interface С - 20-pin cable for old models.
    The modified ICOM A2 for vehicles with OBD access receives a significantly more powerful processor and more storage capacity. Robust aluminum case will help to avoid damage when using in harsh environments.
    To protect the MOST connector, the ICOM B for vehicles with optical MOST access will be equipped with a soft cover made of rubber instead of the former plastic cap.
    The ICOM C for old series with a diagnostics socket will be additionally equipped with an approx. 20 cm long cable, which facilitates the connection of the ICOM A2 and makes storage in the engine compartment easier.

    2014寶馬最新故障診斷BMW ICOM A2+B+C Tool 硬件不含軟件_診斷儀_汽摩檢測設備_儀器、儀表_貨源_批發一路發
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