
  • 供應塑料門窗角強度測試機 塑料門窗測試機 測試機 角強度測試機
    商品代碼: 2784938
    即日起提供日本樂天代購服務-詳見 Rakuten-suki日本樂天代購,謝謝。
    加工定制:否 品牌:濟南溫逗斯 型號:CM-8823
    測量范圍:0~200um 測量精度:B級 產品適用范圍:適用於測量非導磁金屬基體上的絕緣覆蓋層厚度

    nt size="5">

    CM-8823鋁型材塗層測厚機Coating Thickness Gauge for aluminum materials

    nt color="#000000" size="4">適用於測量非導磁金屬基體上的絕緣覆蓋層厚度,如鋁、nt>nt color="#000000" size="4">銅、鋅、無磁不銹鋼等材料表麵上的油漆、塑料、橡膠塗nt>nt color="#000000" size="4">層,也可以測量鋁或鋁合金材料的陽極氧化層厚度。在航nt>nt color="#000000" size="4">空建材輕工機械機表化工等行業已得到廣泛的應用。nt>

    nt color="#000000" size="4">彈簧導套式測量探頭的探針,由耐磨硬質的寶石制成,不nt>nt color="#000000" size="4">但能在堅硬或粗糙的表麵上進行測量,而且能夠保證測頭nt>nt color="#000000" size="4">具有不變的壓緊力和穩定的取樣植。nt>

    nt color="#000000" size="4">數字顯示,無視差。nt>

    nt color="#000000" size="4">測量范圍寬,分辨率高。nt>

    nt color="#000000" size="4">自動記憶校準值,方便使用。nt>

    nt color="#000000" size="4">It is suitable for the thickness testing of insulation cover on thent>nt color="#000000" size="4">metallic matrix which cannot conduct magnet, such as the oilnt>nt color="#000000" size="4">paint, plastic or rubber coating on the surface of aluminum,nt>nt color="#000000" size="4">copper, zinc and non-magnetic stainless steel. Also it cannt>

    nt color="#000000" size="4">measure the anodic oxide layer thickness of aluminum ornt>nt color="#000000" size="4">aluminum alloy material. It has been widely used in the industrynt>nt color="#000000" size="4">of aviation, building, light industry machinery or chemical.nt>

    nt color="#000000" size="4">The needle of detector is made from hard wear-resistingnt>nt color="#000000" size="4">diamond, which can not only measure on the hard or rough surfacent>nt color="#000000" size="4">but also ensure the invariable tension and stable stamping ofnt>nt color="#000000" size="4">the detecting head.nt>

    nt color="#000000" size="4">The number will display without visual error.nt>

    nt color="#000000" size="4">The measuring scale is wide and the resolution is high.nt>

    nt color="#000000" size="4">The calibration value is automatically memorized. It is easy to use.nt>


    nt color="#ff0000" size="4">技術參數:nt>

     測量精度 B級
     顯示器 液晶顯示
     測試范圍 0~200um
     分辨率 0.1um/1um
     測量精度 ±1~3%n 或±2.5um
     采樣 單次測量
     電源 自帶充電器
     電源消耗 約25mA
     操作條件 溫度0~40攝氏度 溫度80%
     重量 約300g

    供應塑料門窗角強度測試機 塑料門窗測試機 測試機 角強度測試機_其他機械量儀表_機械量儀表_儀器、儀表_貨源_批發一路發
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