類型:電視場強機 | 品牌:PROMAX | 型號:PROMAX-10場強機 |
測量范圍:8M(T) | 電源電壓:9(V) | 適用范圍:廣播電臺 |

Theng>PROMAX-10Premiumng>incorporates the measurements for installation, verification and maintenance of reception and distribution systems for FM radio, MATV, CATV and MMDS, including the sub-band (return path). Now it includes a new function to measures power level measurement over a complete frequency band, very useful for detecting saturation in the input of some broadband demodulators.ng>PROMAX-10Premiumng>is a multistantard instrument, so it can be used in any network in the world. | |
ng>FUNCTIonSng> | Level meter, Logger, Scan, Tilt, Spectrum analyser, Transient detector, Cable digital analyser | ng>DIGITAL MEASUREMENTSng> | Channel power, C/N, Bit Error Rate /Pre-BER, Post-BER), MER, DVB-QAM constellation | ng>ANALOGUE MEASUREMENTSng> | Level, C/N, C/A ratio, CSO-CTB intermodulation |
na, November 2002.
 | The most compact Cable TV Analyser available in today's market can now offerng>ConSTELLATIonng>. The constellation diagram appears in the display together with other important measurements such asng>BERng>orng>MERng>.
The PROMAX-10 is a multipurpose CATV Analyser ideal for all size MSO's and contractors. It allows installation, verification and maintenance of digital cable video as well as analogue and cable modems. |
The cable technicians can now test all type of systems with a single instrument. The PROMAX-10 analyses digital video and data signals both 6 MHz and 8 MHz. Supports
ng>EURODOCSISng>in the forward channel thus being ideal in multi-system networks. In the return band and thanks to the 'Maximum Hold' Spectrum Mode it can perform ingress checks with easy.