加工定制:否 | 品牌:上海 | 型號:ZF-501型 |
種類:暗箱式紫外分析機 | 紫外功率:5×15W(W) | 紫外波長:310nm |
濾色片規格:150×200mm(mm) | 適用范圍:150×200mm | |
ng class="STYLE2">#一、用途:ng> ZF-501AB型多功能紫外透射機,是我廠在征集瞭廣大用戶建議,總結瞭我廠多年來制造這方麵機器的經驗,參照瞭國外同類機器的優點,會同有關專傢精心設計制造的新一代實驗分析機器,它的研制成功,為我國的現代科學研究,提供瞭又一種新的工具。 ZF-501型多功能紫外透射機可廣泛適用於PCR工程、遺傳工程、分子遺傳學、微生物學、分子生物學、生物制品,醫學衛生、藥品藥物的研究和檢定。該機器還可適用於衛生防疫部門,食品行業,紡織行業,石油橡膠化工行業,探礦行業,考古部門對文物的鑒定,公安部門的痕檢及對假幣假票的檢定,適用於凡是需要進行熒光分析和檢定的部門,是從事現代科學研究部門,檢驗監督部門的常用必備機器。ng> ng> |
ZF-501型多功能紫外透射機,兩側各安裝瞭254nm和365nm的紫外光源,並在一側安裝瞭可見光源,透射紫外光源采有310nm紫外光源,燈管采用緊密排列,機器可另外配備攝影照相裝置。 本機器經過有關部門使用後鑒定,一致公認為:該機器不但可以用可見光源對一班的資料圖片進行反拍,由有兩側都有紫外光源,在使用兩側紫外光源時,被檢物質的清晰度可大大提高,在使用透射紫外光源對DNA和RNA的條帶進行觀察和拍攝時,因為采用瞭各種波長紫外光和緊密形排列安裝新工藝,所以其清晰度可接近國外同類機器的水平,並排除瞭在照相底片上出現燈管陰影的現象,確有多種用途和多種功能的實驗分析機器。 ng class="STYLE2">#二、技術規范和註意事項:ng> 機器底部為透射式的可見光源和310中波紫外光源另可按用戶需要配365nm或254nm,紫外光源,用於蛋白類凝膠泳區帶和核酸凝膠電泳區帶的檢測和攝影。 ⑴ 電 源:220V,50Hz ⑵ 光 源:可見光,日光燈8W 功率:40W,壽命在500小時左右。 ⑶ 紫 外 光:310nm,5×15W 功率:75W 壽命在500小時左右 ⑷ 濾色片麵積:150×200nm,磁白玻璃麵積,150×200mm。 ⑸ 外形尺寸:360×350×100 ⑹ 重 量:15kg。ng class="STYLE2">#APPLICATIonS:ng> ZF-501AB Type Multi-function Ultraviolet Ray Transmitting Apparatus is a new-generation experimental analyzing apparatus successfully researched and manufactured elaborately by many specialists after collecting suggestion from wide customers,summing up apparatus manufacturing experience for many tears,comparing with the advantages of oerseas similar apparatuses and combining. The successful research has offered a mew tool for the modern science and research in China. ZF-501AB Type Multi-function Ultraviolet Ray Transmitting Apparatus can be widely used in research and appraisal of PCR Engineering,Genetic Engineering, Genetics, Microbiology, Biology,Biological Products,Pharmaceutical Hygiene,medicines,What’s more,it also applies to the appraisal of cultural relic by Hygiene & Epidemic Prevention Department,Foods,Textile,Petroleum Rubber Chemical Engineering,Prospecting, Archaeology Department,the examination of counterfeit money by public security and all organizations need to analyze and examine fluorescent light.It is a necessary apparatus for examining and supervising departments. ZF-501AB Type Multi-function Ultraviolet Ray Transmitting Apparatus has been set ultraviolet ray source of 254nm and 365nm at each side,and perceptible light at one side. The transmitting Ultraviolet Ray source applies with 310nm Ultraviolet Ray source. The light pipes are put in tight order.The apparatus could be allocated with photographic apparatus. After appraising by certain ministries,all generally acknowledge that the apparatus could not only anti-shoot materials and pictures with perceptible light but greatly improve the clearness of examined articles when using the Ultraviolet Ray source at both sides.When observing and photographing belts of DNA and RNA,thanks to the new technique of ultraviolet ray with all kinds of waves and tight order,the clearance level could reach to the level of overseas similar apparatus without the phenomenon of leaving pipe shadow on photographic plates.It is really an experimental analyzing apparatus with multi-usage and function. |
ng>紫外分析機上海泰益公司卓越銷售ng>ng>ng>ng>電話:ng>ng>021-63532830 33030435 13801777807ng>