加工定制:是 | 品牌:WDS | 型號:WDS-500N |
類型:電子萬能試驗機 | 測量范圍:0.5(kN) | 精度:1級 |
調速范圍:0.1-500(mm/min) | 最大負荷:0.5(kN) | 拉伸空間:700(mm) |
WDS-Series desktop electronic universal test machine for simple columnar desktop structure, electronic computer data acquisition and data processing, real-time display test process and the test curve, can print and storage test report, test results. This machine is widely applied in the metal, nonmetals materials stretched and compressed mechanical properties such as test.
主要技術說明 the main technical specification:
1、最大測量范圍 largest measuring range:500N
2、有效測量范圍 effective measurement range:1%-100%
3、精度等級 precision grade:1級
4、試驗速度test speed: 0.1-500mm/min
速度控制精度speed control precision:±0.5%
5、變形準確度deformation accuracy:優於±1%
6、試驗空間 test space:700mm
7、 整機電源the power supply:
單相 single-phase, 220V 50Hz,
8、工作環境work environment:室溫—35℃ 相對濕度不超過80%
9、主機尺寸host size: 530×380×1500mm
10、重量weight:100 kg
