
  • DHG-9423A 鼓風乾燥箱|上海乾燥箱
    商品代碼: 2765515
    即日起提供日本樂天代購服務-詳見 Rakuten-suki日本樂天代購,謝謝。
    加工定制:是 品牌:上海 型號:DHG-9423A
    類型:鼓風乾燥箱 材質:不銹鋼內膽 溫度范圍:RT+10 ℃-250℃(℃)
    功率:2.80 工作室尺寸:60×50×130(mm) 重量:127(kg)


    適用范圍:  該產品供工礦企業、化驗室、科研單位作乾燥、烘焙、熔臘、滅菌之用。

    Scope:lt s applcable in drying , baking,wax melting and sterilization in factories and mines, laboratories and R&D institutes



        控溫器是采用微電腦智能溫度控制,具有PID自整定、雙LED數字顯示和菜單式多個控制參數設置功能,帶有獨立限溫報警系統、超過限止溫度時即自動斷電保護,確保實驗安全運行,不發生意外。並帶有0-9999分鐘時間 設定功能。控溫更精確、操作方便、溫度示值顯示準確直觀。工作室采用鏡麵不銹鋼板制成,四角圓弧形易清潔,擱板高低可任意調 。工作室內熱空氣循環系統設計先進,確保溫度均勻性好,升溫快。外門裝有雙層玻璃觀察窗,便於觀察室內培養物情況。

    Construction  features:

    The temperature control has 2 models.e.g.digital display and cursor model. which can be freely selected Digital display intellectuai temperature controller has functio-ns of PID automatic setting and dual LED digital display. multiple controlling param-eter setting and control functions for alarmjng and automatically switching off to make the temperature control more accurate.

    it adopts excellont steel plates or mirror stainless steel plates to manufacture the work room .with arc shape angles which are easy to be cleaned .and whose shelf can be freely adjusted. The outside door has observation window.

    Advanced heat wind clrculation system makes the temperature of work room moee even and lncrease rapidly

      主要技術指標: Primary technical indexes:

    * 控 溫 范 圍: Temperature contral scope:       RT+10 ℃-250℃ 

    * 溫 度 波 動:  Temperature flctuation:              ±1℃

    * 溫度分辨率:   Temperature contral :                ±0.1%

    * 額定功率(KW):Rated power (KW) :                2.80

    * 電 壓 /  電 源:  Voltage / powe :               220V±10%   /  50HZ+2%

    * 工作室尺寸(cm):Size of work room ( cm ) :   60×50×130

    * 外形尺寸(cm):Outine Size ( cm ) :                 74×70×163

     包裝尺寸(cm): Package Size ( cm ) :               89×86× 170

     凈重/毛重(Kg): Net /gross weight ( kg ) ;           87 /    127


    DHG-9423A 鼓風乾燥箱|上海乾燥箱_乾燥箱_試驗箱及氣侯環境設備_儀器、儀表_貨源_批發一路發
    line 線上客服  ID@tsq1489i