加工定制:否 | 類型:便攜式色差計 | 品牌:BYK |
型號:6807 | 顯示范圍:400 – 700 nm | 光源:冷光源 |
測量時間:2(s) | 測量口徑:11(mm) | 電源電壓:9(V) |
外形尺寸:200(mm) | 重量:800(g) | 適用范圍:色差 |
規格:6807 | 重復性:0.2 | 光差角度:10度 |
Color Measurement
for Specific Applications
Color Control of Small Parts
Keyboards, pens and window handles require a color instrument
with a very small aperture and a repeatable sample placement.
color-guide 45/0, 4 mm aperture together with the optional sample
holder guarantee repeatable results and a convenient sample
■ Minimum sample size: 5 x 5 mm (0.2 x 0.2 in)The spectro-guide and color-guide spectrophotometers come
complete with white and black calibration standards, as well as
a green reference standard. The green reference should be used
periodically to audit instrument perfomance and the condition of
the calibration tiles.
As the spectro-guide also performs a gloss reading, it is additionally
recommended to periodically use a medium gloss checking
standard to control the gloss readings.
Spectral Range 400 – 700 nm, 20 nm resolution
Repeatability¹ 0.01 ΔE* (10 readings on white tile)
Reproducibility¹ 0.2 ΔE* (average on 12 BCRA II tiles)
Color Systems CIELab/Ch; Lab(h); XYZ; Yxy
Color Differences ΔE*; ΔE(h); ΔEFMC2; ΔE94; ΔECMC; ΔE99; ΔE2000
Indices YIE313; YID1925; WIE313; CIE; Berger; Color strength;
Opacity; metamerism
Illuminants A; C; D50; D55; D65; D75; F2; F6; F7; F8; F10; F11; UL30
Observer 2°; 10°
Memory 200 Standards, 999 Samples
Languages English; German; French; Italian; Spanish; Japanese
Power Supply 4 AA alkaline; NiCd or MH batteries
10 – 42 °C (50 – 110 °F)
Humidity < 85% relative humidity, non-condensing / 35 °C (95 °F)
Dimensions 9.5 x 8 x 18 cm (3.7 x 3.2 x 7 in)
Weight 0.5 kg (1.1 lbs)
