產地:浙江 | 品牌:GRAMOon | 型號:MH0130 |
光源類型:led燈 | 電壓:5V(V) | 燈罩材質:pvc |
主要適用范圍:樓道,傢居場所,酒店大堂,酒店客房,休閒娛樂場所,展廳,走廊 | 開關類型:撥動開關 | 風格:仿古 |
適用送禮場合:廣告促銷,商務饋贈,節日,喬遷,生日,頒獎紀念,展銷會,周年慶典,開業典禮,員工福利,公關策劃 | 加印LOGO:可以 | 加工定制:是 |
光源功率:5(W) | 燈光顏色:8種款式平均分配,小寧,小康,小語,小明,阿寶,阿喜,阿福,小壯 |
Low power consumption, 0.7KWH over a whole year. Durable over 50.000 hours
Charming lights, colorful changing, a nice companion over romantic nights. Wildly used for family decoration, wedding, birthday party, feast and etc.,
Can be used separately or with mutual series, which producessurpassingly beautiful colors (supply and connection lines are optional accessories。
