品牌:承德聯創 | 型號:LC | 準確度等級:1 |
皮帶傾角:1(°) | 過載能力:11111(%) | 環境溫度:111(℃) |
環境濕度:111(%) | 電源電壓:220(V) |
This system is a system that provides running mode, grinding mode and dynamic mode on a computer screen, as a result the current modes of equipments can be seen at a glance. The actual feed rate, current output and the last output are displayed on the screen of the computer as well. It can print all the values mentioned above and the parameter sheet. In any case, the system applies an accurate basic data for the economic and quality management.
Turn on the power of the computer, then “printing and displaying system of weigh feeder” is appeared. Click the related sub-interface, then the corresponding sub-interface is opened.
The 1st line----collective fault lamps of each weigh feeder
The 2nd line ----actual feed rate of each weigh feeder
The 3rd line ----names of materials conveyed by each weigh feeder
The 4th line ----appearance drawing of each weigh feeder
The 5th line ---- feeding mode of each weigh feeder
The 6th line ---- appearance and running modes of belt
The 7th line ---- accumulation output value of each weigh feeder
The 8th line ---- appearance drawings of the control computer and the grinder and also running mode of the grinder and the feed rate at the entrance of the grinder (the total actual feed rate of the three weigh feeders)
The 9th line ---- clearance buttons and conform buttons to clear all the displayed troubles
once a trouble displayed, double-click “conform(故障應答)” button .if there is still alarm, check the equipment by trained person please.
The alarm details are displayed here.
All the system parameters of each weigh feeder are displayed here.
Click the corresponding number to modify the parameter. The number will turn into a white box. Then you can enter the new data by the keyboard. After the data is entered, press the enter key, thus the new data will be appeared on the screen.
Displayed value ={[imitated value (input value V)- zero point value (V)]/reading value from the flow meter (V)}* rated value of the feed rate (t/h)
“Selection button(選擇按鈕)”, “view button(瀏覽按鈕)” and “print button(打印按鈕)” are displayed here.
Click the“selection button(選擇按鈕)”to selec what you want to view and print.
Click the“view button(瀏覽按鈕)”to view what you want.
Click the quit/exit in the menu to return to last interface.
Click“print button(打印按鈕)”to print what is selected.
The current output and the total outputs of the current shift are displayed here, the last output and the total outputs of the last shift are also displayed, and the clearance button of the counter as well.
Click the “clearance button of the counter(計數器清零按鈕)” when relief of shift. The output value of the current shift is sent to the output counter of the last shift, the output value of the last shift will be lost. The output counter of the current shift will be cleared out. Another turn of weighing starts.
7. Stop
Click right key of the mouse, a sub-menu is appeared. Then click the return button by left key, you will be back to the main interface; Click the right key of the mouse in the main menu, there will be sub-menu; then click the quit/exit button to return to the interface of WINDOWS98, Click“start button(開始按鈕)”here, then“close button(關閉按鈕)”, you can power off when “you can close the computer safely now(現在可以安全的關閉計算機瞭)” is appeared. .
System parameters sheet
Parameters | ||||
1 | Zero point value of the feed rate for gypsum | 1 | V |
2 | Zero point value of the feed rate for ore slag | 1 | V |
3 | Zero point value of the feed rate for treated materials | 1 | V |
4 | Reading value of the feed rate for gypsum | 4 | V |
5 | Reading value of the feed rate for ore slag | 4 | V |
6 | Reading value of the feed rate for treated materials | 4 | V |
7 | Rated value of the feed rate for gypsum | 6 | t/h |
8 | Rated value of the feed rate for ore slag | 12 | t/h |
9 | Rated value of the feed rate for treated materials | 100 | t/h |
10 | Maximum of the feed rate for gypsum | 12 | t/h |
11 | Maximum of the feed rate for ore slag | 24 | t/h |
12 | Maximum of the feed rate for treated materials | 200 | t/h |
13 | Minimum of the feed rate for gypsum | 0 | t/h |
14 | Minimum of the feed rate for ore slag | 0 | t/h |
15 | Minimum of the feed rate for treated materials | 0 | t/h |
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