品牌:Zoomies | 型號:11-11 | 結構:雙筒望遠鏡 |
功能類型:變倍望遠鏡 | 用途:民用望遠鏡 | 加工定制:是 |
機器放大倍數:400 | 裝箱數:100 | 出瞳距離:1000(mm) |
出瞳直徑:50(mm) | 分辨率:100% |
Zoomies Binocular Glasses
Zoomies are compact, hands free high power binoculars which can be worn like sunglasses. Zoomies can zoom up to 300% and contain micro vision lenses with binocular technology. Now outdoors activities or other events can be easily seen and enjoyed without having to squint or deal with the hassle of binoculars.
How does it work?
Zoomies contain binocular technology built right into the lenses. This means that far away objects or small print can be seen up close, clearly and closely. This is even more advanced than average binoculars. With Zoomies, outdoor beauty and indoor reading can be a much simpler concept, because everything will appear as if it’s mere inches away, which is much more than the naked eye can see.
Zoomies 2013最新TV產品 便捷式放大鏡 望遠鏡 擴大鏡400倍放大
zoomies是觀看世界上接近它本來是唯一的答案。他們適合方便舒適的在臉上就像太陽鏡,和用戶會忘記他們即使穿著它們。zoomies是帶動度假,完美的助手的公路旅行,或在荒野中散步。沿著山脈的一個驅動器現在可以與zoomies提供近距離和個人願景更有趣。與zoomies,用戶將不再有瞇著眼睛看美麗的風景,或在一本雜志上讀到的小字體。 zoomies今天在市場上帶著望遠鏡最輕便的方法。他們適合在臉上沒有問題,甚至會有掛吊帶以便他們可以穿的像一條項鏈在不使用的時候。zoomies可以放大到瞭驚人的400%,由於其驚人的視覺放大技術是昂貴的,高倍的望遠鏡,使用。本放大可以很容易地調整,隻是一個簡單的轉盤,位於側邊。zoomies是輕量級和免提。甚至還有一個內置的遮陽傘,削減眩光時,在陽光明媚的天氣。
