貨號:BP117 | 產地:臺州黃巖 | 箱裝數量:40個/箱 |
適用對象:狗 | 功效:環境除臭 | 品牌:搗蛋鬼 |
===== nt color="#ff0000"> 產品描述 ===== nt>
nt color="#ff0000"> nt>
nt color="#ff0000">【商品名稱】:搗蛋鬼拾便器nt>
【 型 號 】: BP117
nt color="#ff0000">【商品尺寸】:8nt>nt color="#ff0000">*4*5CMnt>
nt color="#ff0000">【商品重量】:0.05KGnt>nt color="#ff0000"> nt>
nt color="#ff0000">【產品材質】:環保PP樹脂材質,結實耐用nt>nt color="#ff0000"> nt>
nt color="#ff0000">【功能簡介】:nt>nt color="#ff0000">環保PP材質保障愛寵的健康,特大牢度,防止愛寵咬壞,美觀易清潔nt>
nt color="#ff0000">nt>
nt color="#ff0000">
【產品規格】外殼尺寸,長8.5cm內徑3.5cm 垃圾袋尺寸,27*32cm*0.6絲15隻/卷
nt color="#ff0000">nt>
nt color="#ff0000"> nt>

nt color="#ff0000">nt>
nt color="#ff0000">nt>
nt color="#ff0000">nt>
nt color="#ff0000">nt color="#ff0000"> ===== 公司介紹 ===== nt>
nt color="#ff0000"> nt>
nt size="4">臺州市黃巖奧通寵物用品廠nt> ,坐落於中國塑料產品的生產基地―浙江省臺州黃巖,成立於1998年,專業於塑料寵物用品和塑料寵物用品模具的開發和生產。我們可以自行設計、開發、製做塑料模具,具有很強的新產品設計開發能力,95%的產品暢銷美國、歐洲、巴西以及東南亞各國。
nt color="#ff0000">狗糧桶nt>
nt color="#ff0000">寵物碗具nt>
nt color="#ff0000">寵物玩具nt>
nt color="#ff0000">寵物圍欄nt>
nt color="#ff0000">寵物窩、籠nt>
nt color="#ff0000">寵物航空箱nt>
nt color="#ff0000">寵物飲水器nt>
nt color="#ff0000">寵物清潔用品nt>
nt color="#ff0000"> nt>
本廠堅持服務於人,造福愛寵,關愛自然,與時俱進的理念,不斷開發備受市場歡迎的新產品,並以最具市場競爭力的價格和迅速的交貨期來完成客戶的需求。我們奉行“互惠、互利、真誠、合作”nt color="#ff0000">的信條,竭誠歡迎新老客戶的光臨和垂詢,與本廠建立長期友好的合作關系。 nt>
nt size="4"> Tnt>nt size="4">aizhou Huangyan Aotong Pet Products Factorynt>was established in 1998. We can design, develop and make the plastic molds by ourselves, and all products are capable to support and develop your OEM project. Through OEM service, we extend our client base quickly. We build solid and reliable business relationships between our clients and us. Welcome to contact us for more information, and welcome to visit our factory.
nt size="4">Taizhou Huangyan Aotong Pet Products Factorynt> , specialize in manufacturing plastic pet products and molds for plastic pet items. Our factory is located inTaizhou City,Zhejiang Province. 95% of our products are exported to theUSA , Europe,Brazil , Southeast Asia andJapan . Our products are sold inTaiwan area,China .
Our main items are:
nt color="#ff0000">Dog food bucketnt>
nt color="#ff0000">Pet bowlnt>
nt color="#ff0000">Pet toysnt>
nt color="#ff0000">Pet pennt>
nt color="#ff0000">Pet cagent>
nt color="#ff0000">Pet air boxnt>
nt color="#ff0000">Pet drinking bottlent>
nt color="#ff0000">Pet cleaning suppliesnt>