加工定制:否 | 品牌:日美 | 型號:5815 |
材質:不銹鋼 | 刃長:6(厘米) | |

nt color="#ff0000" size="4">RIMEI FINE KNIFE 日美精品小刀nt>
nt color="#ff0000">nt>
nt color="#ff0000">RIMEI brand pocket knife is made from high quality stainless steel.With the special treatment of forging,grinding and quenching hot,it features excellent sharpness,great toughness,high hardness and corrosive resistance.nt>
nt color="#ff0000">The shape of kinfe is designed as per human body engineering mechanics.The practical,novel and flowing knife shape makes it mor comfortable,attractive and safe with an ou tstanding personality.nt>
nt color="#ff0000">nt>
nt color="#ff0000"> “日美”牌精品小刀選用優質不銹鋼,經特殊工藝鍛打、磨削、高溫淬火等國內領先技術精煉而成;具有刃口鋒利、硬度高、耐腐蝕、韌性強等特點。nt>
nt color="#ff0000"> 產品造型根據人體工程力學設計,新穎實用的流線刀型,使產品更加美觀、安全且深具個性。nt>
nt color="#ff0000">nt>
nt color="#ff0000" size="4">CAUTIon 註意事項nt>
nt color="#ff0000">1.The knife edge is sharp,please be careful to use;nt>
nt color="#ff0000">2.This knife is not suitable for cutting the hard material.It will cause damage of knife edge;nt>
nt color="#ff0000">3.Please keep the knife beyond the reach of children to avoid any accident after used.nt>
nt color="#ff0000">1.刃口鋒利,請小心使用;nt>
nt color="#ff0000">2.不要用於切割堅硬物質,容易導致刀刃缺口、變鈍。nt>
nt color="#ff0000">3.不用時請保管好,放置於兒童觸及不到的地方。