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    廠家直銷讓利促銷重大優惠政策:1:定購1公分復古手鐲單款滿50只以上1.8元/只2:定購2.2公分復古手鐲單款滿50只以上2.00元/只 活動時間7月20日---8月20日請登錄我司網站http://jintang99550.cn.xxx.com/聯系方式:手機13950799550 林先生──────產品圖片展示────── ──────產品基本參數──────l      【商品編號】ZL10013l      【商品名稱】圓肚手鐲 l      【商品規格】內徑約5.8CM;內徑大小可扳動調節。l      【商品材質】黃銅+鍍銀l      【商品重量】約18g/只l      【產地】中國·莆田l      【商品包裝】OPP透明包裝袋(需要包裝盒另付費)─────鍍銀手鐲系列展示───── ───────聯系方式───────聯 系 人: 林金堂Q      Q: 1185389663 電  話: 0086-0594-5152255郵    箱: [email protected]地  址: 中國 福建省莆田市秀嶼區東嶠鎮上塘珠寶城郵  編: 351164公司網站:http://jintang99550.cn.xxx.com/ ───────詳細說明───────最小起批量300元起批(單款10件起混批)優惠政策1:300元起批(單款10件起混批)2:單次滿800元可享受本站批發價9.5折3:單次滿3000可享受9折優惠4:積累到6800終生享受8.8折發貨期限下單付款后24小時內發貨。物流方式(1)并非所有地方快遞公司都能送達,在選擇時請先至快遞公司網站查詢,如您所選擇的地區快遞公司不能送達將會產生額外配送費用。我們的合作快遞公司有以下幾家。    1.申通快遞:http://www.sto.cn2.順豐快遞:http://www.sf-express.com3.EMS特快專遞::http://www.ems.com.cn (2)在本站批發商品運費須由批發用戶自己承擔,不付運費或運費不夠,我們將會采用貨到自付運費,平郵用戶請在預交運費6元平郵費,多退少補。(3)發往國外的快遞運費請與我們在線客服聯系進行查詢報價!包裝說明公司采用統一的印刷包裝紙板+透明袋,若需首飾盒另外購買售后服務如發現有任何質量問題,可在收到物品三天內及時與我司聯系并確認問題所在,我司將根據實際情況做妥善處理。付款方式1:全面支持支付寶交易,收到貨再確認付款,讓您購物更放心。2:銀行匯款公司簡介莆田市珠聯首飾有限公司是一家專業集設計、加工、批發為主的銀飾企業,我司主營有手鐲、手鏈、項鏈、戒指、吊墜、腳鏈、童鎖、銀飾配件。可承接代加工各種款式銀飾產品,歡迎廣大顧客來電來函洽談!我們將竭誠為你服務!公司信譽本公司是***會員企業,并且上交誠信保障金,讓您購買更放心。信用編碼:251721。可以在xxx網上查詢誠信記錄http://page.china.xxx.com/trust/safeguard.html 承接加工歡迎您來圖來樣訂制---承接各類(純銀首飾、925銀飾及外銷925銀飾)訂做加工,可致電咨詢13950799550感謝您對本產品的關注!有任何問題請及時聯系我哦,我將竭誠為您服務!                 ^_^謝謝各位光臨,祝大家購物愉快!^_^─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ Contact ─ ─ ─ ─Contact: Lin Jintang  Q Q: 1185389663Tel: 0086-0594-5152255 E-mail: [email protected]: Putian City, Fujian Province town of Tong Qiao Xiuyu District, East City JewelryCode: 351164http://jintang99550.cn.xxx.com/─ ─ ─ ─ details ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─Minimum Volume300yuan batch (single section10can mix)Preferential policies 1:300yuan batch (single section10can mix) 2: a single site over the wholesale price of 800 yuan can enjoy the 9.5 fold 3: Single Man 9, 3000 can enjoy discount 4: 6800 accumulated to 8.8 fold to enjoy life Delivery period Orders shipped within 24 hours after payment.Logistics approach(1) Not all local courier companies can be served, the choice of when to first express company website, if you choose express delivery companies can not service the area will create additional delivery charges. Our cooperation has the following several express companies. 1.Shentong Express:http://www.sto.cn 2.SF Express:http://www.sf-express.com 3. EMS Speedpost::http://www.ems.com.cn (2) transportation of goods by wholesale wholesale site users themselves, do not pay freight or shipping costs is not enough, we will use goods to pay freight, surface freight prepaid customers at the 6 yuan flat postage, Duotuishaobu. (3) sent to foreign countries express shipping please contact our online customer service to inquire Quote!PackagingCompany adopt a unified printing packaging board + transparent bag, For jewelry box sold separatelyAfter-sales service If found any quality problems, can receive the goods within three days to contact us in time and Queren my problem, our company will Genju the actual situation, and so proper treatment.Payment 1: full support for transaction, pay again to confirm receipt of goods to pay for your purchase with more confidence. 2: Bank transferAbout Pearl Jewelry Co., Ltd. Putian City Alliance is a professional design, processing, wholesale of silver jewelry business, our company main bracelets, bracelets, necklaces, rings, pendants, chains, child lock, silver accessories. Can undertake on behalf of the processing of various styles silver products, welcome customers to contact us! We will be happy to serve you! Company reputationOur company is integrity through member companies and integrity protection money handed over, so you buy more at ease. Credit Code:251721. Ali-line inquiry in good faith recordshttp://page.china.xxx.com/trust/safeguard.html Undertake the processingYou are welcome to plans to undertake various types of samples ordered --- (sterling silver jewelry, 925 silver and 925 silver jewelry for export) order processing, please call the Advisory 13950799550Thank you for your interest in this product!Have any questions please contact me Oh, I will be happy to serve you! ^ _ ^ Thank you for coming, wish you a happy shopping!^_^^ _ ^ 

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