加工定制:是 | 品牌:OHLER | 型號:OHLER M42 |
規格:27-80 | 材質:M42 | 全長:定制(mm) |
寬度:27,34,41,54,67,80(mm) | 齒距:2/3 3/4 4/6(mm) | 適用范圍:各種金屬加工 |
OHLER is a reputable brand in Europe with long history. The best production lines of Germany are used to produce OHLER Bi-metal saw blades. OHLER are manufactured from a prefabricated bi-metal steel strip. Our specially developed backer material was degisned for high performance applications. We have choosen high speed steels(M42), for use at the cutting edge is electron beam welded to the backer material, which guarantee the high hardness of the teeth and the toughness of the blade as well.
OHLER Bi-metal saw blades own the following properties:
·Performce remarkable in cutting, especially in wear resistance.
·Universal applications, suitable for various types of saw machines.
·Various specifications, deal with different material.
品牌 | 奧勒(OHLER) | 原產地 | 德國 | |
生產公司 | Gebr.LENNARTZ GMBH&CO.KG | |||
鋸條特性 ·適用於各種材質,通用性強 ·德國先進技術銑齒及熱處理工藝,保證鋸條鋸切精度 ·使用壽命大幅提高 ·先進的鋸條焊接設備,確保焊接質量 ·規格齊全,多種齒型可供選擇 | ||||
交貨狀態 ·根帶(長度根據客戶要求定制) 焊接:德國Ideal進口自動對焊機 ·盤帶(41mm寬及以下100m一盤,41mm寬以上50m一盤) | ||||
技術參數 ·高速鋼齒尖硬度:960-1000HV ·低合金鋼背材硬度:480-535HV ·直線度:≤0,6/1000mm ·保證穩定而精確的分齒 ·所有盤帶作如下標記: Ohler 規格 德國制造 序列號 每隔1~2米作一個標記
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技術標準 | ISO 6508-1 ISO 6570-1 | |||
質量體系標準 | DIN ISO 9001:2000 |
