藥(械)準字:2008第1640513 | 生產許可證:310225000582953 | 滅菌方式:其他 |
有效期:12(月) | 一次性使用:否 |
1. 產品介紹
It is combined with high strength flexible polyester and cotton fabric, coated with tiny latex particle or latex-free particle which allows cohesive properties.
1. 自粘性:繃帶表麵自粘,不粘皮膚、毛發和衣物。
2. 可撕性:可手撕,方便重新固位。
3. 高彈性:彈性比1:2.0,壓力均勻,對包紮部位提供可調節的束緊力和支撐力。
4. 順應性:適用於身體各個部位。
5. 透氣性:基材質地柔軟,韌性良好,包紮後皮膚能和空氣充分接觸,汗液和水分易於蒸發。
6. 防水性:遇高溫、汗水、雨水等不易滑落和松脫。
1. Self-adhesion. It sticks to itself, but never adheres to skin, hair or clothes.
- Tearability It is terable easily without scissors.
- Elasticity elasticity ≥80%. The wound can be well laced and braced with its even stress.
- Adaptability It can be well bandaged on every part of body.
- Breathability Due to the soft material and great tenacity, the skin can be in good contact with air which allows evaporation of perspiration and liquid.
- Water resistance It is not easy to slip or lossen even under temperature difference,perspiration and rain.
1. 醫用:廣泛用於醫院臨床各科的外包紮和冷熱敷;壓迫止血包紮和夾板條、臀板等固定;下肢靜脈曲張、水腫、手術後輔助治療;野外急救和傢庭自救;婦產科,產後腹部包紮,加強宮縮。
2. 寵物用:用於動物的醫療包紮和防護。
3. 運動用:防止運動時肌肉、韌帶和關節部位的拉傷。
- Medical: (1) Widely used in wound dressings,hot packs and cold compresses in clinical department.(2) Used in pack of hemostasis and fixation of braces and padding.(3) Used in treatment of edema and varicosities in lower limbs.(4) Used in first aid in the field and at home. (5) Used in belly dressing after childbirth to strengthen contractions.
2. Veterinary: Used in dressings and protection for veterinary.
3. Sports: To protect muscle,anadesma and joint from wound.
WZ101 | 2.5*450cm | 52*40*36.5cm | 24rolls/box, 24boxes/ctn, 576rolls/ctn |
WZ102 | 5.0*450cm | 12rolls/box, 24boxes/ctn, 288rolls/ctn | |
WZ103 | 7.5*450cm | 12rolls/box, 16boxes/ctn, 192rolls/ctn | |
WZ104 | 10*450cm | 12rolls/box, 12boxes/ctn, 144rolls/ctn | |
WZ105 | 15*450cm | 12rolls/box, 8boxes/ctn, 96rolls/ctn |
