加工定制:是 | 樣品或現貨:樣品 | 是否標準件:非標準件 |
是否進口:是 | 品牌:恒輝 | 材質:不銹鋼 |
輸送帶類型:爬坡輸送帶 | 適用環境:耐酸,耐堿,耐熱,耐寒,耐磨,耐油,耐灼燒,耐高溫,阻燃,阻熱,防滑,防潮,防靜電,防腐蝕 | 應用范圍:機械制造 |
拉力強度:強力 |
The stainless steel mesh belt,ashigh temperature resistance,wear resistance,no pollution,acid resistance,alkali resistanceofmesh belt,plays an irreplaceable roleintransportation,usein food,chemicalindustry,and other fieldshave been widely used.
Pipelinemetal conveyormesh belt,mesh beltheat treatment furnacehigh temperature;the stainless steel mesh belt;conveyor belt;dryingnet belt;cleaningmachine;foodweb;herringbonemesh belt;Btypemesh belt;fruit and vegetable cleaningmesh belt;vegetable dehydrationproduction line equipmentof specialconveyor belt.
