加工定制:是 | 樣品或現貨:現貨 | 是否標準件:標準件 |
標準編號:47895 | 品牌:浙江甬工工具廠 | 型號:$18,規格齊全,非標定做 |
材質:硬質合金 | 類型:機用鉸刀 | 是否進口:否 |
是否塗層:非塗層 | 適用機床:車床 | 鉸孔形狀:圓柱形 |
鉸刀精度:H7 | 錐柄號:2 | 錐度值:2 |
基麵直徑:標準(mm) | 全長:標準(mm) | 加工范圍:通用 |
是否庫存:庫存 | 是否批發:批發 | 屬性:屬性值 |
我廠選用優質HSS高速鋼,高性能高速鋼,鎢鋼等,經先進的機械加工,高溫熱處理,並通過各類表麵處理,專業生產各類高速鋼直柄立銑刀,錐柄立銑刀,鍵槽銑刀,球頭銑刀,銑刀片,鎢鋼立銑刀,鎢鋼球頭銑刀,鑲合金銑刀等,並承接非標定制鋸片。生產的銑刀:鐵管、銅管、鋁管、角鋼、不銹鋼等材料。 並承接非標定制銑刀。
我廠經過近二十年磨煉,在銑刀設計、制造方麵積累瞭豐富的經驗。本廠實行瞭全 麵的質量管理,嚴格選用優質原材料組織生產,技術力量雄厚,檢測設備齊全,加工設備精良,所有產品都經過嚴格檢測,保證每一件產品都符合最高質量要求。。在工具生產廠傢中首傢實行質量承諾服務,真正做到以誠為本,信譽至上。
聯 系 人 | 周 朝 陽 (經理) | ||
電 話 | 0571 86800860 | zjyonggong, zjyonggong88 | |
移動電話 | 13968106664 | 228466860 | |
傳 真 | 0571 81131003 | ||
地 址 | 中國 浙江 杭州 濱江區 通策廣場 |
YongGong Tools Factory of ZheJiang was established in 1995. It is a large metal saw blade manufacturing company, we now have R&D Personnel and technology specialists. The products we provide are all kinds of HSS metal saws, slotting cutters, saw blades and so on.
Our factory owns powerful technology, advanced producing equipments and perfect Quality Management System. In order to make our products have better quality and more economical, we hold the principle of “Insisting Innovate, continually perfecting” all the time. All products are strictly obeyed the requirement of ISO 9001 quality system and prudent inspection has been conducted for the sake of quality. Now, our products have been sold all over the world。YongGong Tools Factory of ZheJiang will continue to work towards its objective of “substantial price, high quality, excellent service”, and we look forward to provide high quality products and service to every customer. We are also happy to provide wholesale, retail and customization service according to your requirements.
Diameter:φ45- 200mm, Bore:φ16-32mm
Thickness: : concave milling cutter:R1~R12mm,Thickness:2~24mm
convex milling cutter:R1~R12mm,Thickness:6~38mm
Shape of teeth: form-relieved tooth
Material: High performance high speed steel such as forged M2(6542), W18, 19
Application: Mainly for milling circular arc
聯 系 人 | 周 朝 陽 (經理) | ||
電 話 | 0571 86800860 | zjyonggong, zjyonggong88 | |
移動電話 | 13968106664 | 228466860 | |
傳 真 | 0571 81131003 | ||
地 址 | 中國 浙江 杭州 濱江區 通策廣場 |
