品牌:巨超Gold | 型號:JH4540 | 主電機功率:1500(kw) |
運動方式:電腦控制 | 加工尺寸范圍:450*400(mm) | 主軸轉速范圍:24000(rpm) |
刀具數量:1把 | 控制方式:開環控制 | 控制系統:維宏控制卡 |
佈局形式:立式 | 動力類型:機械傳動 | 用途:金屬切削 |
適用行業:通用 | 適用范圍:通用 | 產品類型:全新 |
是否提供加工定制:是 | 是否庫存:是 | 工作形式:鑽 |
n X,Y,Z各軸均采用進口直線導軌;imported linear rail for X Y and Z axis;
n 全模具化生產,機械穩定性有保證;Processing in all mould mode, higher mechanical stability
n 龍門立柱均采用整體金屬鑄造件,剛性好,運行平穩,機床整體振動小;Whole metal casting for gantry and standing, great rigidity, moving stable and few vibration;
n X,Y,Z各軸均采用進口滾珠絲桿,滑塊預緊配置,保證滑塊無間隙,加工精度有保證;imported rolling ball screws for x, y and z axis sliding warning devices to make sure no clearance and high precision in processing;
n 兼容TYPE3/ARTCAM/文泰等CAD/CAM設計軟件;Type3/ARTCAM and many CAD/CAM softwares is compatible;
n 擅長對各類工件進行高效精密加工。Be good at processing various working pieces in higher efficiency and accuracy.
功能強勁、使用方便、堅固耐用、性能可靠、價格經濟,主要應用於金屬模具、燙金版、PCB版、壓痕版、機表麵板、電療、玉石、工藝飾品、木工制品、鐵、銅、鋁、鋼、塑料板等產品的加工和制作。Appling to process and make various metal moulds , hot foil die-stamping , hot cutting die ,construction mould , metal signs name plates , induction signs , chest brand , seals , PCB and , pressing board , instrument panel electrode , jade , crafts accessories , wood products , iron copper , aluminum , plastic board etc Powerful function , convenient application , great stability , reliable performance and economic price.
項目名稱project name | 參數數值reference value |
產品型號Mode | JH4540 |
加工尺寸Working size | 450*400*70mm |
主軸電機Spindle motor | 1500w |
最大雕刻速度Maximum Engraving speed | 8000mm/min |
刀具Tool | 3.175、4、6可選配3.175,4 and 6 is optional |
指令格式Format dictate | HPGLG代碼HPGLG code |
分辨率Resolution | 0.01mm |
主軸轉速Rotation speed for spindle | 6000-24000rpm |
XYZ導軌XYZ rail | 進口直線導軌imported linear rail |
XYZ傳動方式Driving made | 德國進口滾珠絲桿imported rolling ball screw from Germany |
