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    130T鋅合金壓鑄機 130T熱室壓鑄機 出口熱銷壓鑄機 適用傢具拉手
    商品代碼: 2590586
    即日起提供日本樂天代購服務-詳見 Rakuten-suki日本樂天代購,謝謝。

    nt color="#ff0000" face="黑體" size="4"> 本型號出口熱銷,最受歡迎的傢具拉手五金壓鑄機。 nt>

    nt color="#0000ff" face="黑體" size="5">    nt size="4">nt color="#000000">130T熱室壓鑄機參數表nt>nt> nt>

    nt face="宋體" size="3">項目ILTEnt> nt face="宋體" size="3">單位nt> nt face="宋體" size="3">LR130Tnt>
    nt face="宋體" size="3">鎖模力 Mold locking forcent> nt face="宋體" size="3">KNnt> nt face="宋體" size="3">1300nt>
    nt face="宋體" size="3">鎖模行程 Mold locking strokent> nt face="宋體" size="3">mmnt> nt face="宋體" size="3">350nt>
    nt face="宋體" size="3">頂出力 Ejection forcent> nt face="宋體" size="3">KNnt> nt face="宋體" size="3">88nt>
    nt face="宋體" size="3">頂出行程 Ejection strokent> nt face="宋體" size="3">mmnt> nt face="宋體" size="3">85nt>
    nt face="宋體" size="3">模具厚度 Thickness of the moldnt> nt face="宋體" size="3">mmnt> nt face="宋體" size="3">170-450nt>
    nt face="宋體" size="3">(最小-最大)minimum maximumnt>
    nt face="宋體" size="3">模板尺寸 Mold plate dimensionsnt> nt face="宋體" size="3">mmnt> nt face="宋體" size="3">614*636nt>
    nt face="宋體" size="3">哥林柱內距 Internaldistance of Corinthian ordernt> nt face="宋體" size="3">mmnt> nt face="宋體" size="3">409*409nt>
    nt face="宋體" size="3">哥林柱直徑Diameter of Corinthian ordernt> nt face="宋體" size="3">mmnt> nt face="宋體" size="3">75nt>
    nt face="宋體" size="3">射料位置 Injection positionnt> nt face="宋體" size="3">mmnt> nt face="宋體" size="3">0,-80nt>
    nt face="宋體" size="3">射料力 Injection forcent> nt face="宋體" size="3">KNnt> nt face="宋體" size="3">108nt>
    nt face="宋體" size="3">射料行程 Injection strokent> nt face="宋體" size="3">mmnt> nt face="宋體" size="3">150nt>
    nt face="宋體" size="3">離咀行程 Away-from-nozzle strokent> nt face="宋體" size="3">mmnt> nt face="宋體" size="3">200nt>
    nt face="宋體" size="3">錘頭直徑 Hammerhead diameternt> nt face="宋體" size="3">mmnt> nt face="宋體" size="3">60/65nt>
    nt face="宋體" size="3">射料重量 Weight of injection materialnt> nt face="宋體" size="3">KGnt> nt face="宋體" size="3">2.1/2.5nt>
    nt face="宋體" size="3">坩堝容量 Crucible capacitynt> nt face="宋體" size="3">dm3(KG/ZN)nt> nt face="宋體" size="3">55(360)nt>
    nt face="宋體" size="3">電機功率 Motor powernt> nt face="宋體" size="3">KWnt> nt face="宋體" size="3">11nt>
    nt face="宋體" size="3">系統工作壓力 The operating pressure of the systemnt> nt face="宋體" size="3">Mpant> nt face="宋體" size="3">14nt>
    nt face="宋體" size="3">油箱容量 Oil tank capacitynt> nt face="宋體" size="3">Lnt> nt face="宋體" size="3">300nt>
    nt face="宋體" size="3">機械重量 Machine weightnt> nt face="宋體" size="3">kgnt> nt face="宋體" size="3">5000nt>
    nt face="宋體" size="3">機械外形尺寸 The outline dimensions of themachinent> nt face="宋體" size="3">mm(L*W*H)nt> nt face="宋體" size="3">4300*1400*2220nt>
    nt face="宋體" size="3">長*寬*高 length *width *heightnt>


    130T鋅合金壓鑄機 130T熱室壓鑄機 出口熱銷壓鑄機 適用傢具拉手_壓鑄機_機床_機械設備_貨源_批發一路發
    line 線上客服  ID@tsq1489i