該機采用先進的連續旋轉機頭,薄膜均勻度好,制品平整。從96年正式生產以來經多年不斷的消化吸收國內外先進技術,現在該機已在國內處於領先地位,獲得瞭用戶的一致好評,目前該機生產的共擠復合薄膜已廣泛應用於高檔包裝、食品包裝等方麵。 The machine entails advanced co nsecutive rotatio n machinhead,ensures smooth and homogeneous prodects,sine 96`s,compant in due from producing,we are ceaseless digesting and absorbing advanced technical from home and abroad.At present,our keep ahead in natio n,and winning co nsumer`s accord good appraise.At present,the coextrude complex films made by this machine are widely applied in luxury paching,food processigg and industry package,and so o n. 共擠塑料膜特性及應用(一般范例)Coextruding combination and its application: |
| 樹脂組合 Mode | 特性 Characteristics | 應用范圍 Application range | 1 | LDPE/HDPE/LDPE | 剛性大、雙麵熱封、防卷曲 Rigidity,Double-sided heat sealed,curl-proof | 烤烘食品、動物食品、果醬、黑白膜 Parched,animal food,jam white-black film | 2 | LDPE/HDPE/EVA | 良好的熱封性,剛性 Good heat sealing,rigidity | 烤烘食品、食品 Parched food,food | 3 | LDPE/HDPE/LLDPE | 剛性大、雙麵熱封、防卷曲 Rigidity,Double-sidedheat sealed,curl-proof | 烤烘食品、果醬 Parched food,jam | 4 | LDPE/LLDPE/LDPE | 彈性大、表麵附著力強 Elastic,surface absorption | 彈性大、表麵附著力強 Elastic,surface absorption | 5 | EVA/LDPE/EVA | 熱封性良好、可蒸煮 Heat-sealing,boiling | 載重袋、拉伸膜、醫用包裝 Load bag,elastic film,hospital usage | 6 | EVA/HDPE/EVA | 可蒸煮 Boiling | 烤烘食品、果醬Parched food,jam | 7 | EVA/LLDPE/EVA | 彈性大、表麵附著力強 Elastic,surface absorption | 拉伸膜、保鮮膜 Elastic,surface absorption |