ZS-200 model high speed granulating machine is an equipment which can granulate directly using the obsolete thermoplast film and the wares whose wall thickneeses are not more than 2mm. It can pelletize flexible PVE,high and low pressure pohyethylene、polystyrene、polypropylene and other obsolete thermoplast ware or film. And also can granulate obsolete ware of foamed polystyrene.
After put into the body of the machine, the waste marterial are quickly cut into pieces under the sheared cutting function of high speed rotary knives and fixed knives. The pieces move up with the centrifugal force of roraty cutterhead. And meanwhile they fall down because of gravity. Consequently, the pieces move from the wall of machine body to the center of the body. There are a lot of friction heat beacause of the fricton among the materials and between the wall and blades, which makes the temperature of the material increases fast and makes the plastics become sime-plastified and they stick to each other and become nubs. Before they materials become nubs, spray the prepared quantified water to the materials. Cooling water gasify when contact the hot materials and bring away the surface heat on the materials. That can cool down the materials surfaces and avoid them becoming nubs. And then the ratory knives and fixed knives cut them into pellets of all kinds of shapes. In the course of cutting, some color can be added into the materials.
The pellets material can be the used directly on extruder. Before the injector is used, the the products whoes reuqirements are very strict can be extruded firstly and then fused, thirdly granulated againd.
