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    商品代碼: 2558392
    即日起提供日本樂天代購服務-詳見 Rakuten-suki日本樂天代購,謝謝。


    一、 產品介紹: 本產品是2012年最熱賣爆款,純手工鉤針包包.產品選材做工都很精細,外部材料是用仿珍珠材料做成,是經千針萬線手工制作而成,開口為尼龍拉鏈,選擇的拉鏈質量為上乘,拉起來順暢且質感非凡。打開錢包裡邊有兩個大鈔位,零錢.銀行卡.手機等超好放!


    二、 產品說明: 本產品物美價廉,時尚潮流,具體情況下邊產品展示將會給大傢呈現,全實物拍攝,歡迎前來咨詢選購


        產品尺寸: 18cm*13cm (長 *   單位; cm


           產地: 山東青島           材料: 仿臺亞克力



    產地: 山東青島            材料: 仿臺亞克力












    Shandong Qingdao art wanda straw handicraft factory




    電話:13061416606    13210105037




    傳真:0532-82820051   QQ;376266204   
    郵箱;[email protected]
       1, 本廠成立於1995年,專業生產研發加工各類亞克力工藝珠包,手工彩珠手機包,手工水晶小錢包,手工手提包,手工珠繡小錢包,手工剛珠包,以及各種精典手工民間玉米皮草編包,手工草編帽,手工草編帽,手工草編鞋,手工草編框,等手工藝品。
        2, 本廠下屬有十多個加工分點,流動繡珠工人200-500多人,並為客戶來料加工,來樣定做,企業一直秉承'' 以質量求生存,以信譽求發展,顧客至上,信譽笫一''的原則,對顧客做到''誠實、誠懇、誠心、誠意''的服務宗旨,竭誠歡迎國內外新老客戶光臨惠顧與我們攜手合作共圖發展美好的明天。
        3, 本廠擁有一批一流的產品開發設計人才,更擁有嫻熟的手工作業人員。根據市場的流行趨勢,不斷推出不同風格款式新穎的圖案,圖案精美、布料/面料優質、產品質量上乘的產品來適應市場的需求。
        4, 本廠工藝產品采用純手工制作,每個產品都經千針萬線手工制作而成, 將傳統珠繡工藝與精堪的現代制作技術完美結合,並與國際流行款式掛鉤,融入濃鬱的中國民族特色,設計制作出品種全,價格優,質量真,價格低,款式新穎,圖案精美,造形美觀的產品。產品暢銷世界各地,承接世界各地訂單,亞熱銷於中東、歐、美、日、韓國等地。  
        5, 本廠處與美麗富饒的海濱城市-----青島,這裡交通便利,309,206國道,同三高速等,全國第二大港,青島港,流亭國際機場,形成瞭海陸空三維交通體系。
        6, 本廠專業致力於手編工藝品的生產與開發,歡迎廣大新老客戶參觀考察.   來料加工,來樣定做!   




    7, 地址;青島市市北區市場三路41號2樓11號 【工行旁邊】    




    8 支付寶賬戶;[email protected]




    9 ,工行免費的;622208 380300 3294502 (戶名;張利球  








    10 ,農行;   622848   0240049   859418   (戶名;張利球  








    Shandong Qingdao art wanda straw handicraft factory




    Web site: www.yiwangda88.cn.alibaba.com




    Telephone: 13061416606 13165425633




    Fax: 0532-83843681 QQ; 376266204




    Mail; [email protected]




    1, our factory was established in 1995, specialized in research and development and processing of various types of acrylic craft bead bags, mobile phone bags, crystal beads small purse, handbag, beaded small purse, just bead bag, and all kinds of classical manual folk corn PI cao braided, manual straw hat, the manual straw hat, the manual straw shoes, arts and crafts, etc.




    2, the factory subordinate has more than ten processing point, the current embroider bead workers 200 - more than 500 people, and for the customer to materials processing, the incoming sample custom make, enterprise has always been adhering to the "of" to the quality strives for the survival, to the credibility of development, the customer is supreme, credit was a 'principle, to customers achieve' honest, sincere, genuine, sincere 'principle of service, welcome domestic and international old and new customers to our factory to cooperate with us a total plan development better tomorrow.




    3, the factory has a number of first-class product development design talents, more have skilled manual work personnel. According to the market of fashion trends, and constantly introduce different style design novel design, elegant design, fabric quality, products are of high quality products to adapt to the demand of the market.




    4, our factory process product USES the pure handmade, each product the thousand needles ten thousand line made by hand and become, the traditional beaded technology and fine me modern production technology perfect unio, and with the international fashion style hook, into the rich Chinese national characteristics, design a whole variety, price, quality, price is low, the design is novel, elegant design, nice products. The products sell well all over the world, to undertake all over the world order, and sell like hot cakes in the Middle East, Europe, America, Japan, Korea, etc.




    5, our factory is in the beautiful and rich coastal city - Qingdao, here convenient transportation, 309206 national highway, with three high-speed, etc, the second port, Qingdao port, liuting international airport, formed by three dimensional transportation system.




    6, our professional committed to the hand knitting handicraft production and development, welcome new and old customers visit. Materials processing, incoming sample custom make!




    7, address; Qingdao shibei district market three way 41 South Korea straw city 2 floor 11




    8, pay treasure account; [email protected]




    9, agbank; 622848 0240049 859418 (account name; Zhang Liqiu)




    Shibei district, Qingdao city, the third branch of agricultural bank of China




    10, icbc free; 622208 380300 3294502 (account name; Zhang Liqiu)




    The Qingdao shibei market three road branch of industrial and commercial bank of China

    line 線上客服  ID@tsq1489i